Haunebu II under new management.
32 29 September 2021, 15:00

Watching with interest - once I assembled that in the "minimum-fuss" mode for my friend's son, who was reluctant to do it by himself, even though it is a snap-together kit in fact...
29 September 2021, 16:48

Thanks for your interest mates 🙂
Robert, you are right, it is quite a simple kit, at a not so modest price. Still I wanted to add it to the collection, so better make the most of it.
30 September 2021, 10:05

Welcome Whiteglint 🙂
Had some time to spare, so did some more work
6 October 2021, 15:44

I agree, that's an interesting project!
I'm looking forward to your implementation👀
10 October 2021, 13:21

The painting with the many intertwined serpentine lines I like very much, the one with the camouflage fields in 76 I'll wait and see
20 October 2021, 14:28

Thanks mates 🙂
The mottling has all been done, next step will be the German markings.
20 October 2021, 14:55

Thanks Torsten.
I must say I'm still not completely happy with the result.
20 October 2021, 16:23

Okay, this one is from the end of the war, they made quick camouflages then 😉
21 October 2021, 07:17

Overall, it turned out to be a nice model. I find the idea and the implementation very good. I like the camouflage scheme.
30 October 2021, 14:24

Thanks Torsten, I appreciate your kind words
Next step will be sealing the decals, and start weathering effects.
30 October 2021, 14:44

No, this one was actually found at Rheine, where it had landed because of technical problems while trying to flee to Norway at the end of the war. The whole crew was taken prisoner, including the groundcrew that had been brought to Rheine to fix the saucer.
All of them were transported to a site near Balmoral in the Highlands, to be tested by the RAF.
What happened next is a bit of a blur, it was tested for more than a year but no records have been found. It is known that it crashed in the spring of 1948, when it was taken by a POW. This had been the official story for years.... In the early 90ies however a report turned up at an archive destruction firm, which stated the saucer had indeed been taken by a POW, yet this was not a Prisoner Of War, but in fact another POW...also known as the Prince Of Wales!!
31 October 2021, 07:35

always good if you have some background to your work!
nice story and nice progress 👍👀
31 October 2021, 07:40

Interesting and exciting story, I have never heard this before. It's not the saucer that crashed in Roswell, is it?
31 October 2021, 07:40

Thanks mates 🙂
Well, the Roswell saucer was in fact a Japanese version of the haunebu, which they build using plans that had been smuggled from Germany in a submarine (U-2144) in 1945. The Americans, as well as the British kept the technoligy to them selves, yet did not benefit from it as both crashed before any useable information on the workings was retrieved. The British gave up on the subject, looking at more traditional ways of flying, whereas the Americans have been experimenting for years in the said Roswell area. It is still unknown if the projects have been succesfull.
31 October 2021, 07:47

Um. God have been saving the Queen since 1952, yet the highness survived the crash. Hence, it must undoubtedly be the truth. 😛
31 October 2021, 08:44

Nice finish👍
Still like the style of your camo pattern and the story of your model!
4 November 2021, 08:51

'It looks so delicious, may I have a slice, mister?' 😛 (Applause, great work!)
4 November 2021, 14:59