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Upgrade Set Browning M2 12,7mm

heavy machine gun

RB Model | Nr. 35B013 | 1:35

Boxart Browning M2 12,7mm 35B013 RB Model


9 bilder
NM-116View album, image #1
Prosjekt: NM-116
1:35 NM 116 (AFV Club AF35S82)1:35 NM-116 Tank Destroyer Basic Set (Voyager Model PE35620)1:35 NM-116 Tank Destroyer Fenders (Voyager Model PE35621)2+
21 bilder
Cobra BreakthroughView album, image #1
1:35 M4 Sherman (Tamiya 35190)1:35 U.S. Army Assault Infantry Set (Tamiya 35192)1:35 M4A1 with Cast Cheek "Lucky Tiger" (ASUKA Model 35-035)2+
35 bilder
1:35 Holy RollerView album, image #1
1:35 M4A2 Sherman Direct Vision with Early VVSS (ASUKA Model AS-002)1:35 Canadian Sherman Stowage Boxes (Ultracast 135002)1:35 75mm L/40 Gun Barrel for M4 Sherman (RB Model 35B03)6+
64 bilder
Magach 6B Gal BatashView album, image #61
1:35 Magach 6B Gal Batash (Academy 13281)1:35 Magach 6B GAL Batash Turret Basket (Legend Productions LF1280)1:35 Gal Batash / Achzarit late / Merkava Mk.3D (Friulmodel ATL-171)2+
11 bilder
FinishView album, image #1
1:35 Army 1/4 Ton Armored Truck (Takom 2131)1:35 Browning M2 12,7mm (RB Model 35B013)1:35 US Army Officer #2 (Alpine Miniatures 35094)1+
19 bilder
Final photosView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M1A2 SEP V2
1:35 M1A2 SEP (Dragon 3536)1:35 US M1A2 SEP V2 W/ M153 CROWS II (Blast Models BL35201k)1:35 Camouflage Net Field Green TYPE 2 (AK Interactive AK 8067)5+
18 bilder
FinalView album, image #1
1:35 M 10 U.S. Army Tank Destroyer (AFV Club AF35024)1:35 Close Combat U.S. Tank Crew (MiniArt 35135)1:35 M10 Tank Destroyer (Eduard 35300)3+
10 bilder
M46 KoreaView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M46 Korea
1:35 T80E1 Workable Track Link Set (Bronco AB3565)1:35 M-46 Patton (Cyber Hobby 9147)1:35 M-46 Patton (Eduard 35254)7+
81 bilder
U.S. M8 Light Armored Car GreyhoundView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M8 Greyhound
1:35 M8 Light Armored Car Greyhound (Tamiya 35228)1:35 37mm M6 L/56.6 (RB Model 35B098)1:35 M8/M20 Positionable Steering (for Tamiya) (Resicast 35.2239)5+
15 bilder
Finally finished" M48A2 fording Lo River"View album, image #1
Prosjekt: M48A2 VN GB
1:35 M48A3 Patton (Tamiya MM120)1:35 M48A3 Patton (Eduard 35440)No Solid Water 350ml (Deluxe Materials BD36)6+
7 bilder
M24 ChaffeeView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M24 Chaffee
1:35 M24 Chaffee (Italeri 6431)1:35 M24 Chaffe Accessories Set (Black Dog T35070)1:35 T72 Steel Track Link (Bronco AB3573)3+
19 bilder
Finished dioView album, image #1
1:35 M8 Light Armored Car Greyhound (Tamiya 35228)1:35 M-8 Greyhound (Eduard 35200)1:35 37mm M6 L/56.6 (RB Model 35B098)7+
35 bilder
M47GView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M47G
1:35 M47/G Patton (Takom 2070)1:35 Bundeswehr Tank Crew (Valkyrie Miniature VM35019)1:35 Browning M2 12,7mm (RB Model 35B013)3+
19 bilder
MyAlbumView album, image #1
1:35 M24 Chaffee (Tamiya 37020)1:35 Browning M2 12,7mm (RB Model 35B013)
5 bilder
Some USAREUR in View album, image #1
Prosjekt: M-113 Reforger
1:35 M113 ACAV (Tamiya 35135)1:35 M113A1 "Vietnam War" (Academy 1389)1:35 Browning M2 12,7mm (RB Model 35B013)1+
20 bilder
39. K1A1 MBT & K9 Thunder SPHView album, image #1
1:35 K1A1 MBT (Academy 13215)1:35 Self-Propelled Howitzer K9 (Academy 13219)1:35 Metal tow cables for AFV Kits 0.75mm (Eureka XXL LH-02)3+
13 bilder
Type 61View album, image #1
Commander's figure is quite nice although a bit fiddly to pose correctly on the cupola. Face is almost complete, slowly ...
Prosjekt: Type 61
1:35 Type 61 Tank (Tamiya 35163)1:35 Browning M1919 .30 cal machine gun barrels - one piece muzzle (cylindrical shape) (2pcs) (Master GM-35-005)1:35 Browning M2 12,7mm (RB Model 35B013)
12 bilder
M8 HMC finishedView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M8 HMC
1:35 M5A1 Stuart Light Tank (AFV Club AF35105)1:35 SANDBAG ARMOR Set for M5A1 STUART - AFV (Blast Models BL35136K)1:35 Stowage for M5A1 STUART - AFV (Blast Models BL35137K)5+
67 bilder
Sherman Easy EightView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman "Easy Eight" (Tamiya 25175)1:35 76.2mm M1A2 (RB Model 35B010)1:35 M1919 (RB Model 35B082)5+
15 bilder
Fund im Kundustal - Found in the Kunduz ValleyView album, image #1
1:35 GTK Boxer (GTFz) (Revell 03093)1:35 Wheel set - Sagged (Def.Model DW35015)1:35 German ISAF Soldiers (Trumpeter 00421)2+
7 bilder
M7 HMC PriestView album, image #1
Prosjekt: M7 HMC Priest
1:35 M7 HMC "Priest" (Revell 03086)1:35 M-7 mesh (Eduard TP051)1:35 M-7 Mid production ammo boxes (Eduard 36156)3+