Eaglemoss BTTF De Lorean
August 2, 2024Completed 001 after part clean-up2
August 2, 2024Completed 002 after part clean-up3
August 2, 2024Completed 003 - chromed wheel needed minor clean-up4
August 3, 2024Decided to clean-up the seamlines on the nuke cover5
August 3, 2024Had to modify the screws as they were too long to be housed & have the hinge work squarely. Shortened 1 screw by 2mm6
August 3, 2024The result of the above modifications7
August 3, 2024Front suspension components set-up8
August 3, 2024Bring in the chassis!! WOW - it's big!9
August 3, 2024Front suspension attached to chassis10
August 3, 2024and same, showing the fold-down wheels for hover mode11
August 3, 2024Rear suspension attachment assemblies12
August 3, 2024Rear suspension on LHS13
August 9, 2024The thread on this disc had been stripped so I drilled it out to 2.4, inserted and CA glued in a 2.4mmOD aluminium tube, then tapped in a new 2.2M thread, ready to accept the wheel bolt!!! and it worked!!14
August 9, 2024all 4 wheels on this wagon!15
August 9, 2024Gearbox assembly16
August 9, 2024differentail & engine case started17
August 19, 2024Brackets in place - I don't think they'll attract to much attention?!?!?18
August 9, 2024top of engine assembly19
August 9, 2024top, on top!20
August 9, 2024Fuel injection parts poorly finished - chromed over seamlines (my pet hate) Many parts to strip, trim & recoat21
August 9, 2024ignition distributor was a glue bomb - I think there was a glue spill too, but managed to get it all apart and cleaned up.22
August 14, 2024engine completed - ignition tubing reinforced wire a fine wire inserted23
August 14, 2024belts and pulleys installed24
August 14, 2024front of engine showing crazy exhaust loop25
August 14, 2024another closeup of this crazy exhaust - which i checked with an exploded parts diagram. this looks like engineering lunacy!!26
August 14, 2024muffler installation at rear of engine27
August 14, 2024engine installed ok, but the connection of the drive shafts proved challenging and some 'shortening' on one side required....28
August 14, 2024part of this step required the installation of some brackets that don't get used again until issue 126!!! and I was supplied with two Left hand brackets!!!! and they're not reversible...........................unless.................you attack them with a scalpel, as I have done here, showing front & rear of the now reversed bracket on the left. when the glue fully sets I'll paint it - and no-one will ever know!!!!
except...........I've just told everyone!!!29
August 14, 2024parts cleanup for the radiator fan assembly - lazy painted over seamlines again!!30
August 14, 2024completed fan assembly31
August 19, 2024Radiator intake sported really big injector marks!!!32
August 19, 2024now gone!33
August 19, 2024Radiator installed34
August 19, 2024Chassis pan installed - this added some weight!35
August 19, 2024Radiator pipes go from front to back, x two! - more cleanup & repainting36
August 19, 2024installed37
August 19, 2024and connected to the radiator38
August 19, 2024and around the engine39
August 19, 2024rearchassis panel extensions40
August 19, 2024battery box and 1st stage of wiring - as well as the supplied screw in tabs for the wiring positioning, i've also dabbed some superglue in between.41
August 19, 2024at this point I thought I should check the wiring & switch.
Wiring & switch work, but I had the switch 180 degrees, so i fixed that.
so that "OFF" equals the text at the switch location42
August 19, 2024front upper chassis installed - this was the last dusty part, meaning that I've caught up to where the kit was when I took over.
having uninstalled everything (from 25th May), and restarting this build (2nd Aug)43
August 19, 2024This issue was missing when I took over, so had to find and buy.
now installed44
August 20, 2024Built these components to be added to the rear mudguards in the nest step45
August 20, 2024Rear mudguards complete and installe46
August 20, 2024with the floor completed, first part of wiring added47
August 20, 2024second part of wiring added - note: the stickers provided didn't stick, so i've used some masking tape - will probably hot-glue-gun to complete installation48
August 20, 2024nest step calls for the floor delivered in an earlier step and adds the firewall & installs pedals with brake pedal circuitry49
August 20, 2024just resting the floor on top - brings the weight of the build so far to 3.18kg........and still 118 steps to go~!~!50
August 21, 2024Some really nice looking interior parts, marred by a lack of care, or the correct mask. Will have to correct this.51
August 21, 2024Centre dash assembly cleaned up & built52
August 21, 2024Cute time-travel panel & cassette drive53
August 21, 2024centre dash now completed54
August 21, 2024More time-travel parts55
August 21, 2024most of which look really good56
August 21, 2024except for this - prominent seam lines, moulding "burps" aplenty, and really crudely removed from sprue - some delicate work required here57
August 27, 2024Medly of before & after - I used some "FUTURE" on the glass case, makes it look more like glass!!58
August 27, 2024and assembled on the centre console59
August 27, 2024compares with the magazine, at least60
August 27, 2024and from the drivers side61
August 27, 2024now building the main dash - these are a bit crude in fit, but there won't be much to see of that in a few steps...62
August 27, 2024This unit already installed on top again showed lack of care in removal from sprue - needed cleaning up & repainting63
August 27, 2024Driver's pod64
August 27, 2024passenger's pod65
August 27, 2024dash & centre console mated together66
August 27, 2024and again... - from here I have skipped ahead as the rest of the wiring needs more care & better treatment - the cable ties supplied are 1:1 scale and look awful, so I've researched & found that Mike Lane Mods in the UK supplies the proper scale - so I'll be waiting a few weeks for an array of parts from him.67
August 27, 2024Meanwhile, steps 050 & 051 let me build the 2 seats - still to detail the tilt levers on the sides.68
August 31, 2024Skipping some more "wiring steps" to 067, to the rear of cabin energy management panel (??) - 067 complete69
August 31, 2024some more parts added in 06870
August 31, 2024and complete in 069 - won't be mounted into the car until the wiring is sorted.71
August 31, 2024Step 060 presents you with the upper chassis, requiring removal of bracing & installing of some door catches72
August 31, 2024Step061 presents the front of the chassis, requiring removal of bracing & fitting of bonnet catch, plus combining the 2 chassis pieces with 8 bolts.73
August 31, 2024Step 062 provides the front windscreen - Mike Lane Mods has masks for all the glass, to be used whilst working on the vehicle & protecting the glass - I've used masking tape to do the same thing, on both sides.....(thanks to Mike Lane for the idea)74
August 31, 2024and I wont be fitting the rear view mirror until much later too, after the masking comes off75
August 31, 2024Bonnet comes in Step 063, where you fit the ginges & struts - I think I might mask the body to protect the brushed aluminium look...?!?!?!? - After some Facebook advice, I will wrap the body parts in Parafilm, to protect them76
September 8, 2024LHS door assembly - makes for a heavy door!!77
September 8, 2024Mounting the LHS door with the feeble bolts provided proved very frustrating..... could not get sufficient BITE in the metal door hinge - thought about using the slightly longer spec screw, but I don't have any of those....yet!78
September 8, 2024Hobby Tools Australia to the rescue!! - Gary had some M1.6 bolts measuring 5mm - just had to nip 1mm off the end and all was good - door mounted - did an extra 2 bolts anticipating the same problem oin the RHS.79
September 8, 2024RHS door inner assembly80
September 8, 2024Inside door wiriing completed - this time I secured the cabling using my glue-gun - much better81
September 8, 2024Sub-window & mechanism installed and lightly lubricated with Vaseline.82
September 9, 2024RHS Door assembly completed & a quick Catscan to be sure!!83
September 9, 2024RHS door installed - went in with the standard QM screws this time without any fiddling!!
I'll take that!84
September 9, 2024T-Section installed then covered everything with Parafilm85
September 9, 2024Lucky for me that I hadn't installed the storage area fully!!
Here's a tip BEFORE you start installing the forward body panels, REMOVE the forward storage area base, only takes 4 screws, but it means you will have clear & square access to all the screws for the body panels.86
September 9, 2024LHS forward panel installed87
September 9, 2024RHS too88
September 9, 2024Storage area base re-installed89
September 11, 2024Rear LHS Panel assemp90
September 11, 2024The casting/moulding on the inside of this panel was very poor - lots of substantial mould "dags" need to be removed just in case they would have some impact later on.91
September 11, 2024Rear LHS with BTTF brackets ON the body after some persuasion to pull the top into the right place.92
September 11, 2024Rear RHS panel complete - forgot to take the next photo with all the BTTF brackets on it.....see previous picture & reverse it!93
September 11, 20242 rear panels now attached - need a bit of persuading to sit properley......94
September 11, 2024The grille on the left is made up of 3 item, the middle piping section of whic I spent way too much time de-seaming & repainting...and you can barely see it.................aint that the modelling way!!95
September 11, 2024A few different perspectives of this area - lots of fiddly PH000 bolts & wiring - oh, and it doesn't DO anything!!!.....96
September 12, 2024More fine wiring on the RHS of the engine bay "shelf". - later used a dab of hot glue to tuck those wires in properley97
September 12, 2024The final product - the kit supplied the coolant tank (the elongated ones) in a really "blah" beige - in the reference I have they should be green - so I use the DSPIAE Super Metallic Marker Green - much better!98
September 12, 2024Now adding the rest of the lower panels to that shelf - added some colour to the plain black, also re-coloured the reservoir to that lovely DSPIAE green (it was "blah" beige!!)99
September 13, 2024Combo shot - above & left completed assembly
Below - a very snug fit
Right - view of LHS rear100
September 13, 2024View from rear101
September 13, 2024RHS rear102
September 18, 2024Preparing the Head Lining - using liquid mask to let me detail some switches103
September 18, 2024Detailing done & some parts installed to complete this step.104
September 18, 2024Next installing cabin overhead lights - the wiring loom had different proportions to the cut-away space , so some modifications needed. - Chisel, knife, etc105
September 18, 2024The red is what i had to chisel away to allow the wires to sit pretty flat. Looks messy, sorry, but it's ok106
September 18, 2024Decided to Hot-Glue it in place - still looks messy, I know - dont tell anyone, OK??107
September 18, 2024The black stickers supplied & in place - looks a little better108
September 18, 2024INSTALLED - Looks pretty good now - and it fitted nicely, so my work was rewarded.109
September 18, 2024Next step - door-side trims - RGS110
September 18, 2024and LHS - like the dulcet tones from the masking tape??? (to protect the windows!)111
September 18, 2024and complete from the top - errr - from the bottom, to the top!112
September 18, 2024Engine cover - badly painted - mold marks all over the place, but I guess it will all get covered
This step involved....unpacking & then screwing the hinges to the cover - 6 steps wouldya believe!!!???113
September 18, 2024Next, cover installed to car, after fitting.....114
September 18, 2024The engine cover holding mechanism - which actually works!.... and115
September 18, 2024The engine cover spring loaded latch - which actually works too!!116
September 18, 2024There's also some pipework to put together - AFTER I deal with the seamlines!!!!!!!
BTW - this project is now ON HOLD, while I wait to receive my order of 1/8 cables ties etc from MIKE LANE's MODS.........
time for something different.....117
November 6, 2024Brake pedal re-installed - I was never happy with the "long reach" required to activate the micro-switch....118
November 6, 2024Back To The De Lorean after the receipt of after-market parts from Mike Lane Mods - here is the first part of the carpet installed.
Looks pretty good - had to remove the pedals, of course...119
November 6, 2024Glued in a "shim" to reduce the free-play.......noted that the spring as supplied was pretty weak then spotted the write-up on the "My BTTF De Lorean" blog: mybttfdelorean.com/b..sues-31-40/issue-40/
and decided to also modify the spring.120
November 6, 2024Spring modified121
November 7, 2024Here's a mix of photos of Mike Lane Mods Vinyl Stickers - not all of them used as some of the originals were clearer122
November 7, 2024Also making use of Mike's White 1/8 cable ties here - only broken one - too much tension!! - They work well & look the part123
November 7, 2024Some detailied painting of the "junction box" on the dash to match the original De Lorean - very happy with hos this looks!!124
November 9, 2024Excuse the very clumsy mix of pics - been looking at too many very small wires for too long@!@!
Background cable management - glue & pegs - foreground cable management - Mike Lane Mods White 1/8th cable ties!!!125
November 10, 2024Cable ties neaten up the runninig of these mass of cables - every 2nd one is rotated 180 degrees then the tail is insrted into a 1mm hole through the transmission tunnel - the tail is then fed thru & CA glued in place - Neat, eh?126
November 10, 2024My workspace, looking a little like a garage......if you squint a bit!!127
November 10, 2024More cable ties holding the prominent cable/pipe in the drivers side128
November 10, 2024Close up of a locating cable tie thru the transmission tunnel & CA glued in place!!129
November 14, 2024Drivers seat installed -just enough width as the cable are set high on the trans tunnel130
November 14, 2024There was not enough room for the cabling to fit between seat & trans tunnel......131
November 14, 2024I ended up BENDING the metal frame of the seat base which gave me a few mm to work with - now to trim the plastic base132
November 14, 2024A nice line to work towards - careful knife-work - lots of trim & test, eventually had to trim away some of the seat surface on the lower side of the seat - no-one should ever know..........unless they read this blog!!133
November 14, 2024Seat in place, and more pipes & wires on the door-side134
November 14, 2024and the door sill - all carpeted135
November 14, 2024Same for the drivers side, then the rear bulkhead gets attached - had to do a bit of trimming due to the extra widthe of carpet everywhere.136
November 14, 2024The rear access hatch that goes in the rear bulkhead - but not installing the stereo speakers137
November 14, 2024Attaching the main circuit board to the back of the hatch - plugged in a few wires......138
November 14, 2024Next step was to revisit the rear upper bulkhead, with the Flux Capacitor, Xmas tree lighting etc....
At this point I realised just how feeble the parts are for these items...........very disappointing!!
So the project is now on hold again while I purchase some more mods - this time from "ModelModz" in the UK - Power Supply replacement, Flux Capacitor replacement, Xmas Tree replacement, EL Lighting replacement...........................139
December 8, 2024This is the Eaglemoss Tree/SID - originally is has 2 static green LEDs behind it - not very impressive, right?
During my testing I seem to have "fritzed" the green LED, so this is a demo with a single (ex Flux) Blue LED.140
December 8, 2024Here I have installed the replacement from ModelModz, and whilst I cant show the video, I have linked 5 frames together, so you'll get the idea - Wow!!! It has it's own circuit board that plays this fantastic sequence....141
December 8, 2024Step 58 - here's the Eaglemoss Flux Capacitor - looking more like a "Flux CRAPacitor" - just a single statuc blue LED with a "Y" shaped clear plastic refractor.....................nah!!142
December 8, 2024Here are the main parts completed and painted of the ModelModz Flux Capacitor, ready to go "LIVE"!143
December 8, 2024Here I have almost completed the ModelModz Flux Capacitor, so rigged up a test battery & let er rip!!
These stop frames don't do it justice!!! - Together with the above Tree, this will really light up the room - PLUS there's an extra wire that links the Treed & Flux so they "Dance" together!!!!144
December 18, 2024Had to reinstate the tube connection stubs, so used 1mm brass rod, drilled into the frame.145
December 18, 2024first tube attached146
December 18, 2024Rear of frame after attachment to interior tub, and connection of leads 1-23, plus a few other bits of hardware147
December 18, 2024Side view of the wiring mess!!148
December 18, 2024Interior screwed to chassis successfully149
December 18, 2024Mike Lane Mods S/A bonnet carpet fixed to inside of bonnet150
December 18, 2024Gluing the lamp defractor to the inside of the strut frame.151
December 18, 2024Laying the LED & wiring in to see how the factory wire well works.
No so good, so will have to do some trench work. (red bits)152
December 18, 2024Preparing the Bonnet Strut frame to hold the Bonnet Light.
The black tape supplied was next to useless, so used Tamiya Masking tape instead.153
December 18, 2024Painted the masking tape black - not like anyone is going to see it - but I know it's done.154
December 18, 2024Started following some advice I'd received about oiling the metal screws, so moistened some paper towel
- much less messy this way!155
December 18, 2024Mating the Strut frame to the bonnet over the carpet - all fits very nicely156
December 18, 2024Had to remove the storage to screw in the bonnet hinges, then reinstall...157
December 18, 2024Mike Lane Mods Tools & mounting rubber installed - looks great!!158
December 18, 2024Carpet mat sits over all that to conceal it - Great!159
December 18, 2024Bonnet closes but is a VERY snug fit!!! - Will have to see if I can adjust the front wings apart a bit more?!?!?!?!?160
January 3, 2025Whilst working on fitting the ModelModz EL Lighting upgrade & rerouting the Modelmodz Power supply, I managed to break the steering Column hold-down clamp. Now I always thought this was a pretty weak solution, so now have the opportunity & need to fix it.... After much cogitation I decided the easiest & best solution would be to drill & tap a hole at the bottom of the column....161
January 3, 2025So off to my growing container of miscellaneous pieces, finding a 6mm nylon shim. I inserted the column through the steering mechanism, then secured it with a wide headed bolts through the white shim - perfecto.
I must comment that the steering mechanism is really pathetic, and I'd complain more about that.......if I wan't building all the way thru to the railway version -nuff said!!162
January 3, 2025Part of this step is to install the air filter & tube - I found no mounting point on the "filter" as needed, so went about creating one163
January 3, 2025I was just able to get a drill bit into the required place & then install a brass rod, giving tube mount points on either side.164
February 3, 2025On to Issue 91, which is a major step, being the marriage of the Chassis/Interior, to the body, where things get heavy (sorry about the inactivity around Xmas, New Year, etc.
All the handling ov such a HEAVY model is bound to lead to problems - here I broke the front suspension sway bar......ummmm - decided to reinforce it with a sleeve of aluminium pipe and lots of CA Glue - will eventually get around to painting it black.........165
February 3, 2025Another peeve was that the now unneccessary battery box cover "falls into" the cavern created by the EL Light mod installation. Hmmmm?? Supporting side on the battery box would be difficult - time for a nut & bolt approach so grabbed one of the right length & drilled a hole in the cover...166
February 3, 2025It turned out that the bolt was 2mm short, so bridged that gap with some clear pipe.....167
February 3, 2025Now sits very nicely!168
February 3, 2025The big step - the marriage.... Here she is, upside down, tucking all the wiring in an juggling it into position - need some force to get it together enough for the mounting bolts to bite into the locating holes properley - 8 in total - little bit of gentle levering here & there, but happy with the final fit.169
February 3, 2025On her wheels!! - at this stage the De Lorean weighs in at 5.5kg (or 12.125pounds!) and there's still 68 steps to go!!!
I wonder if this will beat the De Agostini Ford Shelby Mustang GT500, which was 8.5kg (18.739 pounds!)......170
February 3, 2025Body married & view thru Driver's door171
February 3, 2025and the Driver's dash172
February 23, 2025Working on tail lights & found that when the LEDs get pressed into the fixed holes of the rear assembly, some of the RHS LEDs no longer work - long story short, ended up getting ANOTHER LED set but created similar problem, but just on LHS - cut and re-joined opposite working sides to fix.173
February 23, 2025Quite a bit of pressure is required to get the complete taillights to seat properly with the body, whilst trying to avoid pinching wires at the same time.
This method worked for me.174
February 23, 2025Front bumper & bumper strip assembly - more careful wiring to work with - ready for "ModelModz" EL Mod to front bumper175
February 23, 2025Carfeul layout required - CA glue to hold the EL in place, masking tape to hold it there - 2 stages - right to left, then left to right for return EL strip.176
February 23, 2025Done - and it is surely worth the extra effort & "ModelModz" component.
February 23, 2025LHS piping & wiring - discovered the pipe was broken - fixed with some drilling, and a brass 0.8mm rod to rejoin - perfect!178
February 23, 2025running along the LHS - CA glued in place, hence the masking tape - time to add some "Mike Lane Mods" 1/8 cable ties.....
much better than the supplied black "wire"179
February 23, 2025Time to add a few of "Mike Lane Mods" 1/8th cable ties.......180
February 23, 2025I wasn't happy with the way the bottom sections of these pipes were attached, and they didn't "hug" the body as they should.
So time for some fine drilling (1.2mm) and some fine screws from me supplies181
February 23, 2025Finished off with some "Magenta" from my DSPIAE Metallic Markers - perfect!182
February 23, 2025back on her wheels to show off the completed LHS.

the window are manually lifted, sorry - you lift up the gull-wing door, and that reveals the bottom cog which you can wind with your finger

Does that window also roll up and down?! That's truly sick! Watching!

Thanks Lorraine, I'm starting to get my momentum back.....
Album info
BTTF De Lorean collection obtained from an acquaintance & topped up with missing issues/parts
Paying particular attention to poorly finished parts on this kit - my pet hate being chrome plating over non-cleaned up sprue tags!
I think I'll be busy
now up to step 28 of 158 (14/8/24)
now up to step 35 (20/8/24), which is 1 step further than where this kit was at when I took over, because Issue 35 & parts were missing!
So there should be no need for intensive cleaning of each part from here - whew!
Still lots of plastic part clean-up required as the parts have been crudely removed from their sprues.
Now waiting for some correctly scaled cable ties & pipe ties from Mike Lane Mods (UK), plus a few other tasty treats....(27/8/24)
Skipping a few steps for now...
Still skipping the wiring ties for now - over 1/2 way thru (11/09/24) - Issue #82
Now on pause after issue 90 - waiting for the above parts...........................
01Nov24 - I now have all the "Mike Lane Mods" to complete this beast, so will be restarting in a few days...
06Nov24 - Back To The Future.........and back to Mag #40
14Nov - got up to Mag#58 & realised how feeble that the Eaglemoss special effects parts are - have ordered improvements from ModelModz UK.
project on hold again......................sigh!
08Dec24 - Flux & Tree testing!! Wow!
Sorry - inactivity due to Xmas & New Year etc...
03Feb25 - chassis, interior & body married up.
22Feb25 - Headlights & taillights done, EL Lightmod working