Viking Raider 793 A.D.
1 24 September 2017, 20:30
Hello friends, here are the first pictures of my new project. Because the painting of figures is really fun to me, I have decided for a viking figure.
First I prepared the parts of the figure and glued them together, except for the ax, the shield, and the cape. These parts were glued on sticks for painting. Next I will primer the figure white. Cheers Stefan
24 September 2017, 20:48
Hi mates, today I painted the face and the hands of the figure, so the painting of the eyes is still a challenge for me. And I started the design of the base. Cheers Stefan
30 September 2017, 00:00
Hi mates, here is a little update. The helmet and the chain mail are done and I painted the wood on the back of the shield. Cheers Stefan
30 September 2017, 20:59
Very nice progress Stefan, great work on the wood texture of the shield! 👍
6 October 2017, 15:39
Hi mates, here are three new pictures. I painted the clothes and now go on with the details. Cheers Stefan
29 October 2017, 09:25
Hi mates, here the next update. I applied grass and leaves on the base. The shield and cape are ready painted and now the details of the figure are almost done. Cheers Stefan
10 December 2017, 01:19
Hi mates, here are some pictures of the finished figure. Cheers Stefan
11 December 2017, 22:27
Great job. I so appreciate all the pictures. So often we only get the final picture and sometimes not even all the angles. This is an excellent presentation in addition to being a beautifully done figure and base.
12 December 2017, 13:43