MetalEarth Dr Who TARDIS
June 4, 2021This has got to be simple, right.......
Hmm - take a look at the 18 pieces that make up just the roof!!!2
June 4, 2021Hey, but the walls should be easy, just 3 bends.....
Remember that this is replicating an ancient phone box.....every corner is decorated!!3
June 4, 2021When making the doors (they actually work!) you can use the base (from later steps) as a guide to how tight to roll the hinges.4
June 4, 2021Making the double edged base - Useful in making this are Looooong-nosed pliers (Note that the Tamiya Flat pliers have no twisting strength, so get something decent from BURFITT.) Also hand are these jumbo wide bending jaws!!!5
June 4, 2021I first tried rolling the hinge at the very edge of the door, as per the instructions......6
June 4, 2021Then I got smart - used the top door frame as a guide, which provided me with the separation of the doors. So I taped them in that position....7
June 4, 2021Then I tested how the taped doors matched the round base holes.8
June 4, 2021I needed to un-roll the bottom hinges a bit, so they'd be in the right place..9
June 4, 2021Then Bung on the Top!! There's 6 locating tabs & eyes - softly softly, catchy monkey!!!10
June 4, 2021front11
June 4, 2021back12
June 4, 2021other side13
June 4, 2021Geez - look who got in there already!!! These pests love my hobby room!!
By the way, my set included all the parts for the interior, (amazing what they can fit in a cardboard sleeve these days) but there's no instructions, and I've been sworn to secrecy about the contents...........!;^)}
14 March 2025, 00:59 -
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Just as an interlude to me updating my club's website ( ) hint!