727 WIP
April 30, 2022Next quickie project2
April 30, 2022Rescribed the panel lines on the wings and stabs3
May 1, 2022Quick update on the 727. Decided to do the in-flight as there is no gear wells and the gear lack any meaningful detail. Plus since there is a opening on the fuselage that looks like it is supposed to be for some kind of stand, which does not appear to be included with my boxing, which I am going to have to fill anyway. To fill them I used Mr. SSP. While the filler material was fantastic, unfortunately the glue stuff had hardend and was unusable. So I resorted to using CA glue and this worked ok, next time I will try mixing before applying it as that's what the directions call for.4
May 1, 2022After cleaning that fill patch up I then got the stabs and wings together.5
May 1, 2022Wings now assembled.6
May 3, 2022Minor progress today ad was busy running errands. So did some test fitting of the fuselage halves and can se that this will be one that requires some patience. While the fit is on terrible but it's not great either. Good news though it looks like if done in small sections at a time there should not be any issues save for one on the nose that will require some filling and shaping.7
May 3, 2022Second photo is the progress made scribing one side of the fuselage.8
May 4, 2022One side done, plus clean up of areas I goofed. On to the next side.9
May 8, 2022So in more productive, less disappointing news as apposed to my failed tree, finished up scribing the panel lines on the 727.10
May 9, 2022Today's progress on the 727. Added some shims to areas in the fuselage that will serve as a floor for some filling that needs to be done.11
May 9, 2022I also did some measuring for an additional shim to fill a gap above the wind screen.12
May 9, 2022Lastly I filled in some spots on the landing gear holes.13
May 16, 2022Today's 727 progress. So filled in the kit's stand attachment point, since it did not come with one and I was going to mount it further back, and the nose gear attachment hole. To due this I used Bondo Professional Spot putty. Have been looking for some kind of alternative to Tamiya polyester putty as it is hard to find and on the pricey side for use on resin kits. In this capacity it worked great, with the only issue being a spot that did not fill that was most likely due to my application of it then anything else.14
May 16, 2022With that success I decided to also use it to do some filling on the wing roots. This is where my process was good, but I goofed on a key point. Specifically how I removed the larger bits of excess. I stupidly broke them off by hand which left some gaps that needed to be refilled. Not wanting to mess with more putty I went with the old standby, shims. Now it's a waiting game on the CA to set up so I can trim the excess and dry fit again.15
May 17, 2022Made some progress today on the 727. As can be seen I got the wings attached. I did have to do some more filling with CA glue, but they are on. I will say however, the wing attachment point on this kit is the worst part of it. If I ever do it again I would trim the wing tabs so they are flush with the fuselage halves and attach them before putting the two fuselage halves together. This will be substantial easier then waiting to do it after the fuselage is together.16
May 17, 2022I also did add in the filler piece for the cockpit, so now the clear piece fits snug. Will be definitely giving this kit a bath before I try priming as with all the handling, chemicals, and dust I do think she needs one.17
June 2, 2022Work progressing on the 727. So finished filling.18
June 2, 2022I got the base coat on. I then did the leading edges in Alclad Polished Aluminum.19
June 2, 2022Lastly I started to work on the decals.20
June 3, 2022Decals are on.
13 March 2025, 21:21 -