Toyota Sports 800 '65 Arii 1/32 OOB
January 12, 2023Box contents2
December 5, 2022Chassis3
December 5, 2022Interior is rather basic , but enough for me at this small scale.4
December 5, 2022First coat of brush paint ... rather awful. It seems that Gunze 23 doesn't cover very well,5
December 5, 2022All paint has been removed and a new coat was aplied. Not perfect but much better ... The issue is that this coat shows the mold lines ... brrrrrrrrr . Time for wet & dry and elbow grease ..... and repaint ....6
December 25, 2022A coat of primer Tamiya XF19.7
December 25, 2022Bad move ... Tamiya flats don't go very well with the new formula from Gunze ,,,,, So had to remove the paint for a second time. ARRRGGGG !!! because I wanted to have it finnished by the end of this year. Thankfuly I've recently found a cheap and very good acrilyc paint remover.
I works wonders ,,,, and also can be used to clean the kitchen and all kitchen utensils as it's food friendly , which is in fact for what's being produced.
I don't know if it's sold outside Spain though ..... well ... Amazon sells it ....8
December 26, 2022Paint removed ,,, and the remover. Just soaked the plastic body in KH7 for abt 10 min and all paint has gone.9
December 26, 2022Just a few specks remain in the inside. The outside is free from any trace of red paint.10
December 27, 2022First coat of Tamiya TS-8 rattle can ,,,, Oh man !!! That's another story .... Let's wait 24 h for the second coat.11
December 31, 2022Second coat ,,,, I like it much more now !12
December 31, 2022ARRRGGGGG ... when I was about to paint and glue the clear parts .... I noticed that the rear "glass" and one head light cover, where short of injection ..... I had to make a new one from clear acetate13
December 31, 2022Windshield and roof painted and glued.14
January 1, 202315
January 1, 2023Last build of the year 202216
January 1, 2023Calling it done ,,,, Gluing the acetate rear "glass" with cyano smarred a bit of the red paint ,,,, I'll try to fix it next week.17
January 1, 2023AK Gauzy helped making the rear glass clear,18
January 1, 2023And windscreed looks also better now woth a coat of AK Gauzy. It's a very good substitute for Jonhson's Future ,,, or whatever is now called.19
January 1, 2023OUPSSSS !!! I forgot the wind screen wipers ,,,,, Now it's done
14 March 2025, 00:48 -
Album info
Another retro-modelling project. No putty , no additional detail added , no modifications and no airbrush ... I'll build it with the techniques I knew in the very late 70s or early 80s. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.