- Skala:
- 1:35
- Status:
- Påbegynt
- Påbegynt:
- January 10, 2022
In the summer of 1942, the bulk of the Romanian armored forces were posted on the Don’s bend, covering the flanks of Paulus’ 6th army. On 9 October 1942, 1st Tank Regiment of 1st Romanian Armored Division received 11 T-3 (Pzkpfw III N) and 11 T-4 (Pzkpfw IV G) tanks, that formed two medium tank companies. 2nd Tank Regiment, stationed behind front for training and security, also received one T-3 and one T-4. During the battle of Don's Bend, 1st Tank Regiment lost 10 of the 11 T-4 tanks. The only Panzer IV Ausf. G (T4) survivor managed to retreat. This is a great subject for my new diorama.
I picked the old and trusted Italeri kit for this version of early Panzer IV and I added the Zvezda tracks from their Panzer IV Ausf. G which is a top notch kit but not good for representing the exact version of the early G that I needed. The Italeri kit is perfect except the tracks that are obsolete and missing open guide horns.