Honda S800 racing
61 7 February 2024, 10:36

There is nice detailing on the engine; overall, the car is nice, too.
8 February 2024, 00:57

Thanks mates.
Although I'm a petrolhead, I've not built many car models before.
My son is a big fan of racing cars in general, and old Japanese cars in particular. He has asked me to build this one for him.
8 February 2024, 05:43

The pictures are of the real car, I have not yet started with the model 😉
8 February 2024, 09:55

lol, in that case following, you had me super impressed with the car photos I thought were a model build. I though you were that good. Some of the mates on here are that good.
8 February 2024, 12:21

More on the S800 on my son's Facebook page:
16 April 2024, 14:10

Since I have a couple of weeks off work, I have picked up the Honda again.
9 September 2024, 12:53

The Facebook post was a good read; thanks for the reference.
9 September 2024, 23:15

Meanwhile the body has been painted with a Tamiya rattle can.
Some small dust particles have sneaked into the paint, but nothing serious.
25 September 2024, 13:38

I'm impressed, so following to see the finished version. Question to @Jan Peters: "Engine bay painted a dirty yellow". Is this some kind of weathering? I'm pretty new and eager to learn
27 September 2024, 06:21

Thanks 🙂
Yes, the dirtied up yellow is a pre weathering. I like my models dirty, real race cars are never clean
27 September 2024, 07:42

Thanks 👍 do you know if there's a video on YouTube or somewhere else I can learn how to do what you did? It looks very realistic
27 September 2024, 09:36

@yngvenett to answer your question: I started out with a black base, misted yellow over this, so it does not cover the black, and went back over it with yellow applied by brush. I will give it a wash of a dark brown later on.
30 September 2024, 11:13

Thank you again for taking time to answer my questions. I will try my best
1 October 2024, 07:24

This is now done 👍🏻
I will wait for the decals to dry before making the final pictures.
27 October 2024, 13:42

Bought a cheap laser cut display case so it won't get too dusty.
4 November 2024, 16:16
Album info
Building this for my son