
Hey Julian, please tell me how you like the AK stuff!
I´m eager to see how your 335 turns out!

I've just painted the cockpit in RLM 66 and some parts in RLM 02. Even the paint may seem to be Vallejo manufactured, it's not ... the paint is much more thinner than Vallejo ... like Tamiya or Gunze (I'd rather say thinner). Three coats were needed for the cockpit. Let's see how they perform on airbrushing ,,, I'll keep posting on .....

Some green stuff was need to correct blemishes. Also front propeller need to be corrected. One blade is facing backwards.

I've not yet decided which plane to depict .... Maybe V9 prototype or any of the first A0 preseries ,,,,, According to the information I've got , both should be painted in 70,71,65 ,,,, Any help ?

yeap ... I've got one tube of Green Stuff from one friend in the US and it's great stuff indeed !!!!

Depending on your choice of version, please mind that there are some panels in bare metal!

Completed, at long last !!!!!! In the end I skipped some of my former proposals

Julian - I just picked up this kit from a local hobby store. Yours looks great and thanks for some of the tips. I'm using the Ammo Acrylics by Mig for my paint. I also found a great walk around of this airplane on a site It's restored in a museum and the images are quite clear and close for details.

Thanks Steve , it builds nice although has some inaccuracies
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OOB easy and (let's hope) fast project. So far I've just joined the fuselage halves. Parts break-down is very clever. With some care on assembly, a bit filling here and there and checking the parts ...very few filler should be needed ..... Let's see .....
Tail planes and front propeller are wrong and should be corrected. During asembly some glue creeped to the undersides ... so I'll have to fix it .... wet sanding just done ,,,,, Then some Green Stuff and more filing. Front propeller and tailplanes corrected (sort of ...). Primed and some panel lines re-scribed. Ready for painting. Today I've airbrushed the undersides in RLM76 AK ref 2009 ... Good colour match ... but ... I've made a BIG mistake ... I've used mat varnish instead of thinner ... so some ugly splotches have appeared
I'm affraid I'll have to start it all over again....
Model has been repainted all over. Now the mix was good and sprayed quite well. Nevertheless the paint has not much grip, so I lifted some paint when removing the masking tap