A new 1:1 Tiger In the Panzermuseum Munster
1 8 April 2017, 16:15

and daspanzermuseum.de/besucherhinweis-04-04-2017/
8 April 2017, 16:22

So it is actually a real model, 1:1 as Gerald actually said in the title... interesting. 2.7 ton instead of 57
8 April 2017, 21:42

WOW! That would have cost heaps to "tool up" that! They better mass produce it to get there money back in tooling costs. But i think the box might not fit in anybody's house though! 🙂
9 April 2017, 03:06

its a metal frame , and there attached fiberglass panels , on fb is a photoset of it , but nicely done really love it
9 April 2017, 13:37
Album info
A new 1:1 Tiger In the Panzermuseum