Spitfire Mk. IXc Late Version
May 12, 20172
May 6, 20173
May 6, 20174
May 6, 20175
May 6, 20176
May 6, 20177
May 6, 20178
May 6, 20179
May 6, 201710
May 6, 201711
May 6, 201712
May 6, 201713
May 6, 201714
May 6, 2017Sprue Glue Sanded15
May 6, 201716
May 6, 2017Underside and sky band painted17
May 12, 201718
May 12, 201719
May 12, 201720
May 15, 2017Left side decals done settling with microsol21
May 15, 2017Roundels conforming with the help of microsol22
May 15, 2017Not many decals Eduard weekend edition23
May 15, 2017Happy with the Eduard decals, bit thick but conform well. especially after a coat of Aqua Gloss24
May 16, 2017Decaling infront of the tv! Love this little build!25
May 16, 2017Love this Spit and love decals!26
May 16, 2017Scratches on the walkway27
May 31, 2017Radiators done just need some gloss to seal in28
June 4, 201729
June 4, 201730
June 4, 201731
June 4, 2017Damn seem on the top cowel32
June 4, 2017Exhausts done33
June 4, 2017Undercarriage done34
June 22, 2017Brown enamel wash35
June 26, 201736
June 26, 2017Wash looks goo. Subtle!37
June 26, 201738
June 26, 2017Rust wash to tone down the exhaust pipes. Damn seem line!39
August 10, 2017On her legs40
August 10, 2017Just canopy and aerial and done41
September 26, 201742
September 26, 201743
September 26, 201744
September 26, 2017
13 March 2025, 22:18 -
Project info
44 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IXc

No. 312 (Czechoslovak) Sqn. ML296/DU-N (Otto Smik)
Sierpień 1944 World War 2 - North Weald
BS381C:241 FS36152 BS381C:637