Sherman M4A1 - Cast In Applique
1 13 January 2018, 08:21
very nice job. used look but not overdone. i really like the weathering.
very nice job. used look but not overdone. i really like the weathering.
25 March 2018, 15:40
Scott Dutton
My only regret was that i lost the cheek armour highligghting under the weathering. Only just see the cast in hull extra armour if you know to look now. Thanks for support
My only regret was that i lost the cheek armour highligghting under the weathering. Only just see the cast in hull extra armour if you know to look now. Thanks for support
25 March 2018, 20:39
Album info
Last of the M4A1 before going over to the newer hatch arrangement. Instead of welded applique armour, this has cast armour in both the hull and turret (Cheek)