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Thomas K. (Tom47)

MERDC+MASSTER in the US Army since 70's


1 4 April 2018, 17:24
David Wallace
Great looking M60A3! Nice work!!
 7 April 2018, 22:57
Patrick Hagelstein
Great! Incredible for 1/72!
 8 April 2018, 03:37
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx, Patrick; in Time is the Abrams finished; It looks good! let you surprise ;.)
 8 April 2018, 20:06
Stefan Schacht
 8 April 2018, 20:14
Patrick Hagelstein
Da warte ich mal drauf! Viel Spaß und Erfolg!
 8 April 2018, 22:31
Łukasz Gliński
Nice collection, I like that MERDC camos a lot. Is it really 1/72? 😠
 8 June 2018, 21:17
Patrick Hagelstein
Der Abrams sieht richtig toll aus! 👍
 8 June 2018, 21:35
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Lukasz and Patrick; Yes it is 1/72! 😉 Der "Nächste in Arbeit ist der Bradley M2 in Europe Winter Verdant.
 9 June 2018, 14:57
Nice camo, my compliments! 🙂
 5 July 2018, 21:10
very nice. specially being 1/72
 5 July 2018, 22:26
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Vincenzo and spanjaard; next time comes the M106 in MASSTER
 6 July 2018, 22:33
Thomas K. Autor
Hallo Mates, the M60A2 "Starship is ready soon! 🙂 I have change the brand of the MERDC-colors. Hataka looks nicer and is better to work!😉
 27 November 2018, 17:10
Nice collection! I like photo number 4 best.
 27 November 2018, 17:31
Thomas K. Autor
Here is the M60 A2 "Starship" 🙂
 3 December 2018, 21:32
Stefan Schacht
very nice and clean build 👍
 6 December 2018, 18:36
Thomas K. Autor
Danke Stefan; der Wechsel des Farbenherstellers hat sich rentiert! Werde die "anderen" nochmal "refreshen" 😉
 6 December 2018, 18:39
Andreas Hueger
Naturally I like the M60's most ????. Great job!
 28 December 2018, 15:29
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Andreas. The refreshed Tanks looking better. In time i will take new Photos. 😉
 28 December 2018, 22:46
Thomas K. Autor
Here the new Photos; it was a good idea!🙂
 20 January 2019, 15:42
Mission accomplished! Looking forward to your big Tiger.
 20 January 2019, 15:48
Thomas K. Autor
Yeah, the tiger is in the finishline! (see other Album) 😉
 20 January 2019, 21:20
Tom Ballhoff
Super Namensvetter. Wenn man sich selbst in einmal in dem Maßstab getummelt hat, weiß man es umso mehr einzuschätzen 🙂
 21 January 2019, 11:08
Thomas K. Autor
Danke fürs Kompliment! Wenn der Tiger und die letzten 1/35 fertig sind gibt es nur noch 1/72! 🙂
 21 January 2019, 21:15
Tom Ballhoff
Gerne. Ja es gibt in 1/72 mittlerweile echt schöne Sachen auf dem Markt.
 21 January 2019, 21:16
Thomas K. Autor
The next is M60 in MERDC "Grey Dessert"
 16 June 2019, 18:34
Łukasz Gliński
Oh, the next one is a really sweet idea😉
 17 June 2019, 02:03
Chris Greathouse
Great collection! Well done!
 17 June 2019, 02:06
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Chris; @Lukasz: a little change does not hurt in the MERDC- Camo 😉
 17 June 2019, 16:23
Thomas K. Autor
I forgot, the M 35 is also in the finish line 😉
 20 June 2019, 11:14
The colours on the M 35 are superb!
 30 June 2019, 19:13
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Neuling! hataka has make a good job! 😉
 1 July 2019, 20:23
Patrick Hagelstein
Is that the Academy kit?
 1 July 2019, 20:24
Thomas K. Autor
@ Patrick: Yeah, this is the Academy kit; is a really good a nice kit 👍 @james: i like the merdc-camo. surprise for next time. i will do the other variants! 😉
 1 July 2019, 20:31
Łukasz Gliński
The truck looks good in that camo too 👍
 2 July 2019, 06:50
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx lukasz; i know! 😉
 2 July 2019, 09:58
Stefan Schacht
nice truck, the camo looks great.
 2 July 2019, 10:09
Patrick Hagelstein
 2 July 2019, 14:48
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Stefan and Patrick!
 2 July 2019, 19:52
Schoener M 60 mit Top Farben.
 5 August 2019, 06:00
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx James and Neuling; the Hakata colors are not false; but a little bit difficult im Handling with Airbrush (the color has "bigger pigments" as the ammo, i think); the Airpistol is very fast close. when you dilute to many, you have very less color on the plastik; My handle is 70/30 dilute with the thinner of hakata and take a 0,4mm nozzle. I have bought this colors, while ammo haven't this colors for MERDC.
and the colors are for my taste the right tone.
 5 August 2019, 20:08
Thomas K. Autor
no problem, james 😉 it is worth a try the colors
 5 August 2019, 20:26
Fuck yeah
 30 August 2019, 19:32
Thomas K. Autor
Yeah! 😉 The Kit is really nice!
 30 August 2019, 21:01
Chris Greathouse
Amazing!! Wonderful job!
 30 August 2019, 22:01
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Chris!
 30 August 2019, 22:06
Wieder ein Volltreffer. Very beautiful colours!
 1 September 2019, 14:53
Mirko Römer
Läuft 🙂
 1 September 2019, 15:29
Thomas K. Autor
Hi Neuling and Mirko, thanx, it was many works but the result is more than satisfied🙂 i Like it. The colors are really to recommend! The next is M 60 "Bulldozer" in Summer verdant; lets you surprise! 😉
 1 September 2019, 16:16
Patrick Hagelstein
Sieht wirklich super aus! 👍 Superdetaillierter Bausatz!
 1 September 2019, 16:19
Thomas K. Autor
Danke Patrick, Bin mit "OOB" und den Details mehr als zufrieden.
Schade das das MAN-Emblem nicht vorhanden ist; kann man aber verschmerzen.
 1 September 2019, 16:32
Mirko Römer
Das Emblem hatte ich bei meinem von einem Revell 5-Tonner abgeschabt...gaaaaanz vorsichtig 🙂
 1 September 2019, 19:18
Patrick Hagelstein
Klevvere Idee Mirko! 👍
 1 September 2019, 21:07
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx James; @Mirko: dann ist aber der 5-tonner ohne😉
 2 September 2019, 20:04
Mirko Römer
Der muss in Zukunft vielleicht noch mehr bluten...😉
 2 September 2019, 20:18
Thomas K. Autor
a new variant of MERDC! Summer! 😉 I like it!
 10 September 2019, 15:25
Patrick Hagelstein
That really is a vibrant and 'fresh' paint scheme. 👍
 10 September 2019, 15:47
Schöne Farben. Thomas, Deine Mischung stimmt!
 10 September 2019, 19:47
Thomas K. Autor
Danke für die Blumen 😉; Ich bin froh das ich die Farben von hakata gefunden habe; AK hat mir gar nicht gefallen. Das Projekt geht auf die Zielgerade zu! Nur noch ein Bausatz! 😉
 11 September 2019, 15:55
Dann mal los!
 11 September 2019, 16:37
Thomas K. Autor
Pershing II in Germany; Last projekt is the 901 "Hammerhead" in "Winter with trees" 😉
 6 December 2019, 15:44
Patrick Hagelstein
Finally getting there! 👍 Enjoy that last build! 😉
 6 December 2019, 16:07
Top work in 1/72! The canvas cover looks very realistic. - Looking forward to your Hammerhead ......
 7 December 2019, 12:16
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Neuling; Yes, the canvas looks really good and is easy to make! 😉
 7 December 2019, 16:19
Bart Goesaert
Splendid work on the camo's... Did you spray these? or handpaint?
 13 December 2019, 16:36
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Bart; it is a mixture from Airbrusch (color green airbrush and the other handpaint.
 13 December 2019, 22:21
Thomas K. Autor
the last kit is the "snow & tree" variant!😉
 11 January 2020, 17:41
Mission accomplished! Good looking camouflage. What´s next?
 11 January 2020, 19:52
Thomas K. Autor
Jetzt konzentriere ich mich hauptsächlich auf die "Bundeswehr"!😉 Zwischendurch darf es aber auch mal was anderes sein 🙂
 12 January 2020, 18:20
Bin gespannt.......
 12 January 2020, 19:04
Mirko Römer
Mir gefällt der Letzte am besten, ganz tolle (Fleiß-)Arbeit!
 12 January 2020, 21:40
Thomas K. Autor
Danke Mirko; Ja die Tarnung hat was 😉 Problem ist nur die Farbe Weiß! Sehr schwierig die aufzubringen! Das Ergebnis ist dafür echt gut. 😉
 12 January 2020, 21:45
Bart Goesaert
Nice, very nice....
 13 January 2020, 05:47
Thomas K. Autor
Thanx Bart! 🙂
 13 January 2020, 20:41

Album info

M 60 A3, Abrams M1, M 35, M2 Bradley; M106, M48 A3

105 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 M35 2.5ton Cargo Truck (Academy 13410)1:72 M60 A3 (Revell 03140)1:72 M60 A3 with M9 Bulldozer Kit (Revell 03175)1:72 M48 A3 (ESCI/ERTL 8326)1:72 M1 Abrams (Matchbox 40179)1:72 M106 Mortar Carrier (ESCI/ERTL 8337)1:72 M2 / M3 Bradley (Revell 03143)4+
M60A3 with Dozerblade
US US Army (1784-now)
D Co., 3 Arm. Div., 3 Bn., 32 Armor 17
1980 Cold War - Butzbach DE
FS34079 FS30118 FS30277 FS37038

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