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Scott Dutton (ScottieD)

US M-8 Greyhound


2 17 March 2019, 09:05
 17 March 2019, 15:55
Scott Dutton Autor
Cheers, a weekend build to give me a break. Loved the figures, very human poses and they gave the inspiration to build the model
 18 March 2019, 07:41
A weekend? WoW! Fantastic result!
 18 March 2019, 07:57
Scott Dutton Autor
Probably 72 hours started last Saturday, finished following Sunday but you get the drift
 18 March 2019, 11:46
respect! 🙂
 20 March 2019, 14:10
Rui S
Nice model and weathering job. 👍
Just the silvering on the registration numbers decals spoil an even better result🙁
 20 March 2019, 14:40
Scott Dutton Autor
Thanks, for positive comments. I'm struggling with decals at the moment. Have always used Gunze Mr Series, Had a problem with it reacting with paints even after gloss coated, switched to Tamiya, not getting enough softening, so tried Gunze again and it affected paint again on this one (so hid under some stowage). Little cautious now.
 20 March 2019, 22:55
Bryn Crandell
A weekend build? Get out of town! Looks great!
 22 March 2019, 15:35
Ingo F
Looks very good mate! 👍
 22 March 2019, 15:39
Samuel P
Love it, the M-8 is my current build and will use your weathering as inspiration, though I can not build as fast.
 22 March 2019, 18:19
Hister Farjas
great work
 22 March 2019, 18:33
Scott Dutton Autor
Thanks all
 24 March 2019, 09:28
Christian Lehmann
👍 I have to do ghis in 1/48 once
 24 March 2019, 09:29
Are you using the GSI Creos decal solutions?

Great figure work by the way
 24 March 2019, 10:20
Scott Dutton Autor
Richmond, yes, I just use the old name Gunze, it was Mr Mark Softner if I recall, green lid one
 24 March 2019, 12:57
Scott, apologies I see you are, didn't read your post properly. Very interesting observation, never experienced or seen it experienced before. Could it be the clear coat you are using?
 24 March 2019, 20:20
Scott Dutton Autor
Suspect that it is more that I hadn't let it cure enough (It was Tamiya, bottles, not spray can). It was on about 24 hours but they may not be enough.
 25 March 2019, 08:33
Brian Eberle
Awesome job. The Greyhound is well done, and the figures are excellent!
 25 March 2019, 13:27
Scott Dutton Autor
Thanks Brian
 25 March 2019, 20:32

Project info

4 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:35 M8 Light Armored Car Greyhound (Tamiya 35228)1:35 M8/M20 Wheels (Masters Productions 35002)1:35 M8 Greyhound Crew (3 figures) (The Bodi TB-35070)

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