baza danych modelowania rc | zarządzanie magazynem
Matthew A (LibertyTed)

English Electric Lightnings


4 3 December 2021, 19:28
Ben M
Are you going to build them hollow like this?
 3 December 2021, 19:59
Maciej Bellos
 3 December 2021, 20:20
Matthew A
Won't be building for some time yet. Just added the picture for fun
 3 December 2021, 20:24
Jan Peters
Pulling up a seat, watching 🙂
 3 December 2021, 20:29
Ben M
I took a picture of (through?) a hollow Sabre. Might be fun 🙂
 3 December 2021, 21:52

Project info

1 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:72 English Electric Lightning F.2A (Airfix A04054)1:72 English Electric Lightning F.6 (Airfix A05042)1:72 Lightning T.Mk.5 (Sword SW72080)1:72 BAC Lightning F.1A/F.2 (Trumpeter 01634)1:72 BAC Lightning F.Mk.3 (Trumpeter 01635)1:72 BAC Lightning F.6/F.2A (Trumpeter 01654)1:72 English Electric Lightning F1/2/3/6 (Aeroclub C033)15+

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