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Chris Greathouse (chrisagreat)

Project 044 -- Volvo FH 16 Globetrotter XL


5 July 2019, 19:01
Martin Oostrom
Are you going to do the hideous decals as well?
5 July 2019, 19:08
Chris Greathouse
Yessir... They are a bit LOUD but I don't dislike them.
5 July 2019, 19:12
Chris Greathouse
Since Italeri trucks don't come with any real color scheme, I made my own to keep things organized and easy to separate into batch colors for the booth 🙂
5 July 2019, 19:19
Chris Greathouse
Change of plans! Stranger Things Season 3 came out yesterday on Netflix... I'll be glued to the T.V. until I finish. That is an amazing show!
5 July 2019, 19:42
Chris Greathouse
Aaaand there's only 8 episodes for the 3rd season of Stranger Things, bogus. Here are parts and decals... Today will be snipping and sanding. 😄
6 July 2019, 17:53
Ahh I'm glad you agreed on the hideous decals Chris cos I daren't post up that I secretly loved them till someone else did Haaaahaha
6 July 2019, 18:57
Chris Greathouse
6 July 2019, 19:14
Slavo Hazucha
The decals are the icing on the cake, don't let anyone talk you out of them!😉
6 July 2019, 19:37
Chris Greathouse
And just so ya'll know, the base will be Tamiya X-7 Red, Green blue D16C engine, Black chassis, canisters along the chassis will be flat aluminum with chrome straps, I'm going to try and match the black/chrome mask on the front of the truck.
6 July 2019, 19:43
Donald Dickson II
I'd have to find you and smack you if you didnt do those decals! They are awesome!
6 July 2019, 20:27
Nathan Dempsey
Nice Chris! I'll follow along.
6 July 2019, 20:28
Bob Hall
And in case you didn't have enough anime decals for your Professor Krieger like vehicles ! found this just for you you LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ebay.com Item - Aoshima 47507 Samurai Harem Decal for Itasha Model 1 24 scale
6 July 2019, 21:46
HAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!!!! -although I quite like them
6 July 2019, 21:48
Chris Greathouse
6 July 2019, 23:01
Ian Oostelbos
Wow, haven't had time to take a breath since your lambo, your a machine!!!
7 July 2019, 00:23
Chris Greathouse
That's how it goes in my world 😛
7 July 2019, 00:25
David Walls
I've got a Volvo FH-16 in the queue, so I'll be following
7 July 2019, 02:37
Chris Greathouse
A new face to my usual crowds, Welcome David!
7 July 2019, 03:01
Paul Juliano
I'm all over the decals! Love 'em!
7 July 2019, 11:11
Chris Greathouse
Slowly working through the pieces cutting them out and sanding off nubs and oddities... I'm up to pieces for step 10/15.

Also I've found another fun little hobby, so I'm not %100 here for awhile. The other hobby is a paint by numbers except you have little beads to fill in the picture. And I found one that is me, called waiting for death.


8 July 2019, 01:30
Bob Hall
Youtube Video

Pretty Cool Pic, by the way !
8 July 2019, 02:05
Chris Greathouse
That's a nice song, I like it.
8 July 2019, 02:14
Nathan Dempsey
The seasons don't fear the reaper because they are coming back...

Interesting art there Chris. Be sure to post us a pic somewhere.
8 July 2019, 02:41
Chris Greathouse
I need to make a random stuff album, I'd do that when I'm done with the project... Also, there are 21,420 beads!!!
8 July 2019, 03:15
Bob Hall
But I know what it needs !
8 July 2019, 04:18
Tim Heimer
One of my favorite bands back in the day! LOl, song came out in about 1974 ! Shit! I'm fking old! LOL!
8 July 2019, 05:58
Chris Greathouse
I lucked out sort of. The interior of this truck is super detailed and I want to give it at least half an attempt to mimic the real thing. My luck comes in that Euro Truck Sim 2 has the 2009 Volvo FH16 that this kit is based off of... That means that I can go download a bunch of interior designs for the truck, then load up the game, go into truck preview and I'm sitting in the driver seat with the interior design in 3D space. I can look around and see what I like and don't like 😄 😄
8 July 2019, 18:05
Chris Greathouse
What's the best way to hold and sand tiny tiny pieces without them breaking or flinging off to oblivion? Like hand brakes, amber turn signals, gas caps etc.
8 July 2019, 22:32
Bob Hall
As funny as it may sound, I do it in a large zip lock bag, it's see thru and prevents you from making an offering to what I recall you calling "floor Gremlins". LOL
9 July 2019, 00:10
Chris Greathouse
That's actually pretty brilliant Bob! Floor Gremlins suck and there are a ton of tiny pieces on the truck.
9 July 2019, 00:17
Nathan Dempsey
That's a question asked since time began. I just put a black blanket on the floor to help find them when they do fling off the table.
9 July 2019, 00:19
Chris Greathouse
That's pretty good too Nathan 😄
9 July 2019, 00:24
Chris Greathouse
Here's my progress on the reaper.

9 July 2019, 00:59
Chris Greathouse
#8 --- Done with snipping off the sprues and sanding the nubs. Next is 'stick'ing the pieces and splitting into batch groups for spraying primer colors.
9 July 2019, 22:48
Tim Heimer
I'm sorry, I keep seeing Globetrotter and thinking of the basketball team! LOL
9 July 2019, 23:00
Chris Greathouse
9 July 2019, 23:05
Peter Hardy
I drove one of these for a while but it had an extra drive axle. I wouldn't buy a kit like this myself unless I could extend the chassis and give it some extra wheels. (That might be possible too) That's a relevance thing I suppose. I wouldn't build a left hand drive car for the same reason. They look like a beautiful kit though and the decals look to be a handfull!
10 July 2019, 00:22
Tom ...
You're a modeling powerhouse, Chris!
10 July 2019, 01:14
Chris Greathouse
Thanks Tom! You know what they say, idle hands are the devil's workshop. Gotta keep going.
10 July 2019, 01:19
Bart Goesaert
serious accident looking at the leftover parts... oh not assembled yet 😉
10 July 2019, 06:18
Bill Newcomer
Keep up the good work!
10 July 2019, 14:17
Slavo Hazucha
Cool collection of parts! All idly sanded, I assume?😉
10 July 2019, 14:28
Chris Greathouse
@Bill Thanks!
@Slavo I only sanded exterior parts on this one. I did make sure to sand the sprue nubs away on all pieces. and idly while watching T.V. is the best way to get through a boring task 😛
10 July 2019, 15:54
Chris Greathouse
#9 It was a slow day today. Got through step 8/15 of sorting for primer colors. Like I said, slow day 😛
11 July 2019, 01:47
Chris Greathouse
#10 Since this is a pretty big kit, I tackled priming and painting the black pieces. There's usually lots of black pieces in kits and they are easy to spray.... So got 'em! And they can be gently tossed in the parts box and cleared off the board.
12 July 2019, 23:25
Slavo Hazucha
Flowers were promised, now it falls to the dark side...😉
13 July 2019, 05:50
David Walls
@chris How do you keep track of the parts when you prep and prime them all first? I love the idea as I'm sure it saves a lot of time, but I'm afraid of losing track of what part number is what for similar parts.
13 July 2019, 14:37
Chris Greathouse
@David Once they are off the sprue, I don't use the numbers anymore, as the pieces are no longer numbered. I go by looks of the piece compared to the instructions, it's pretty easy, even with a large kit. This round all I cared about were the black pieces so I gathered them up and sprayed. With similar pieces I'll mark the differences in the book with a highlighter as I'm taking them off the sprue. That way I know to look at that part of the piece.
13 July 2019, 17:05
Your processing of kits is fascinating Chris, you could do a picture overview of the various stages, showing how you arrange all the components.
I'd like to see it 😉
13 July 2019, 18:39
Look at me being demanding!!! ..... if you get time of course!
13 July 2019, 18:40
Chris Greathouse
#11 Got the grey primer pieces done, next I'll split them out to colors and spray (mostly chrome and interior colors)

@Munky – Sure I can write something up about my process. You aren't the first person to say that my method is odd, interesting , etc… Can you write up your process so I can see as well?

When I get started, the first thing I'll do is write the color chart on a small notepad, then I'll designate appropriate primer colors next to them so it would look like W – X-7 Red for white, G – X-11 Chrome for grey. Then I usually start with black primer and paint since it covers so easy. So I follow along in the book snipping, sanding and "stick"ing the pieces marked for black primer for the booth. Then I spray primer for all the pieces. After primer I split the pieces into color batches and run them through the spray booth. Black primer usually just ends as black paint. Then I start with the next primer color, like grey. After I snip, sand and "stick", then I'll spray grey primer, afterwards pieces will be split into Chrome, Dark Sea Grey, and Sky Grey.

Once they get split into primers and sprayed, then split into colors and sprayed, then they go in the "parts box" until building. And building is building… some glue, some cursing, and a cold beer.

I hope this gives you the insight you wanted 🙂 My working space is my computer desk with a 12"x18" cutting matt and a standard T.V. tray where my Styrofoam sheet sits for drying.
13 July 2019, 21:00
You almost GANT chart the build, like a construction job, very impressive planning.

Now for the truth........ I'd describe my build process as irrational, random, nonsensical, time wasting & expensive.
I'm not being over critical of my failings, I honestly have the attention span of a budgie on acid.
I can learn from your plan of action tho Chris, & I intend to put it in practice from now on.
No guarantees I'll achieve it of course 😉
13 July 2019, 21:22
The cold beer bit, I can guarantee that HAAAAAHAHA!
13 July 2019, 21:24
Bob Hall
Plus ! Chris has done so many at a lightning speed, He should by now know what goes where !
As I have built SOOO many American Cars, I don't even look at the instruction sheet anymore ! LOL

"Remember ! A real modeler dosen't use instructions, that's just somebody else's recommendation" LOL!
13 July 2019, 21:58
Chris Greathouse
I use the instructions! You need something under your pieces while you paint😉 😛
13 July 2019, 22:03
Random Penguin
Oh wow, such planning! Building tanks and planes is easier)
But robots or trucks... hmm.. wonder what is more difficult to paint!
13 July 2019, 22:10
Tim Heimer
RP you mean assemble? Painting isn't as hard most of the time.
13 July 2019, 22:37
Random Penguin
I mean you can paint tanks or planes almost in one piece. In case of gundams or cars, you have a lot of small assemblies.
13 July 2019, 23:20
Tim Heimer
Gotcha! So true!
13 July 2019, 23:53
Chris Greathouse
#12 All of the pieces that I split and sprayed for grey primer yesterday then got split into their colors of chrome and dark sea grey (interior color). The rest of the day today will be tackling the last grouping of primer color, White. Or not… feels like a lazy day to me. 😛 but that is the next task. These pieces are off to the parts box until I need them. Except some of the chrome I'm keeping on sticks and off to the side with a group that will be glossed with Future after ALL the painting is done.
14 July 2019, 20:25
Chris Greathouse
#13 All of these pieces are making their way to being white primer based pieces… Have I mentioned I hate colored plastic?!? White always takes the most work… Another layer or two of primer to get to an even white color.
15 July 2019, 04:56
Chris Greathouse
#14 Nothing really to show today. Yesterday I shot a first layer of grey on a bunch of black, red, beige and silver colored pieces (I hate colored plastic!). Today I shot a second layer of grey and the pieces are starting to look uniform in color. Here is what the cabin is looking like. Tomorrow I will shoot white primer and see how things even out in color. Then another layer of white if needed OR starting to split into color groups for spraying.
15 July 2019, 21:46
Chris, do you have to have the primed pieces all uniform in colour? Is this a colour control process or just you maintaining standards?
I'm making notes!
15 July 2019, 21:54
Chris Greathouse
When painting, the color underneath can affect the tone of the color your currently painting on top. I have multiple pieces of colored plastic that I want red in the end, so they all need to start at the same even base. Anyone else what to chime in any thoughts?
15 July 2019, 22:03
Thanks Chris, I know it sounded a bit 'obvious ' but I wasn't entirely sure!
15 July 2019, 22:08
Chris Greathouse
No problem! I'm not even 100% that I'm doing it right or if I'm just wasting a bunch of primer. But it works to get pieces to the same starting point. So... Good.. methinks 🙂
15 July 2019, 22:14
That's interesting Chris as it would be possible to slightly vary shades for different textured pieces.
Vary the primer so varying the painted results, like the difference between say, chassis colour & cab or panel colour.
15 July 2019, 22:22
Tim Heimer
My understanding is you start with the lighter colors first, then paint the dark ones no top to prevent problems.
15 July 2019, 22:32
Donald Dickson II
Yes, varying the primer can indeed vary the shade of the paint on top. The more coats you put on will of course reduce the effect of the undercoat. But you would have to lay it on thick.
15 July 2019, 22:39
Random Penguin
That`s all about color theory. That`s not only about using underlaying colors, but about mixing colors itself.
15 July 2019, 23:06
Tim Heimer
The many variances that effect the hues.
15 July 2019, 23:19
Chris Greathouse
Think about pre-shading on airplanes… Those nasty looking black lines in the beginning of the paintjob… They turn out slightly darker than the paint job when the paint is done, accenting those areas… unless you accidently flood the base coat on thick and create full coverage over the panel lines. So panel lines, then only like 90-95% spray coverage of the base coat leaving only 5-10% of the darkest panel lines showing. Look at my Lambo I just did (scalemates.com/profi..ms&album=50162#3 ), and watch the panel lines through the end of the project. It's much the same accept air vehicles usually use their airbrush for panels. I used Tamiya Accent line. Sorry for babbling/ranting. It's what I do best 😛
16 July 2019, 02:04
Bob Hall
Stick with what your best at right ? LOL
16 July 2019, 02:15
Tim Heimer
Right! If it works for you!
16 July 2019, 02:19
Bart Goesaert
That's my only reason to prime multi mediakits... To avoid color differences between plastic, Plasticarda, PE, etc...
16 July 2019, 06:47
Slavo Hazucha
Classical "aircraft type" airbrush pre-shading of cars that should not look seriously used & faded is IMHO rather pointless. I could imagine adding really strong panel lines on the primer, then color coat, then only very light final ones could be helpful - kind of like you did on the Lambo. Maybe painting the vents below the windscreen and the door handle area black before main coat could also help create an impression of shadow where due to model size, real shadows will not build properly... Just my humble opinions 🙂
16 July 2019, 09:23
Paul Juliano
Chris, how in the world do you work so fast?! It's really impressive. I'm always shocked at how much progress you'll make in a day when I'm over here like "I cut & cleaned three whole parts from the runner tonight!"
16 July 2019, 12:20
Chris Greathouse
I turn the music up to 11 and go Zen mode... 😄
16 July 2019, 16:59
Chris Greathouse
#15 after 2 layers of grey primer, then a final coat of white primer, I'm finally at a point to where I can start splitting pieces into their color groups.
16 July 2019, 20:07
Hi Chris, why grey AND White primer?
In automotive applications I've used either/or but never combined them.
16 July 2019, 21:58
Tim Heimer
It's that Zen thing. LOL
16 July 2019, 22:22
Chris Greathouse
I did it just to make you scratch your head Munky! 😛 No, I'm joking… When you need to have white, but you are starting with loud colored plastic (red, silver, black for me). It is easier to transition using a grey in-between layer. The reason is that grey covers waaay better than white. If you spray white only, it'll take more layers to get to that even white color. So if you spray grey first, you get that easy coverage muting the loud colors, then you can get an easy spray coverage of white to finish off.

If the plastic had been a standard kit color (off-white etc), Then I would just use white since I didn't have to tackle masking/covering a loud color.

More ranting and babbling… blah… sorry... 😛 lemme know if you have questions.
16 July 2019, 23:00
Haaaha too busy scratching my arse to worry about my head 🙂
Another clear & concise answer that even I understand, thanks Chris
16 July 2019, 23:14
Ian Oostelbos
Thanks for the tip. Great info.
17 July 2019, 00:15
Chris Greathouse
Those who are following my little side hobby of paint by numbers, here's an update... new pictures at the bottom. imgur.com/a/et4pEBV
17 July 2019, 00:51
Paul Juliano
Nice work Chris! It's like a really, really intense Mardi Gras. But totally safe for work, which is unfortunate.
17 July 2019, 12:05
Chris Greathouse
I stayed up until 2am addicted to finishing the grim reaper bead paint by number. imgur.com/a/et4pEBV I already have a next one. Sea Turtles. 🙂
17 July 2019, 16:17
Nathan Dempsey
That came out well Chris. Nice side project 🙂
17 July 2019, 16:20
Chris Greathouse
Thanks Nathan... Always nice to take a detour from the norm every once in a while right? 🙂
17 July 2019, 17:21
Nathan Dempsey
Yes. I find my little side projects are a good way to keep my sanity on some of the harder builds.
17 July 2019, 18:27
Chris Greathouse
I've already bought 2 more 😄

Passage of Time:

City By The Lake:
17 July 2019, 19:17
Chris Greathouse
#16 Finally to the truck color, the cab is done too, off screen.
17 July 2019, 22:19
Is the chassis the same colour Chris?
Good strong red, I like that a lot
17 July 2019, 22:27
Chris Greathouse
Thanks the chassis will be black with the various tanks being chrome.
17 July 2019, 22:36
Chris Greathouse
No pic today, but I started spraying and painting on secondary colors. The beds in the cab are done, and the seats are grey with a red stripe, they look cool. I made sure to paint silver behind all the running and brake lights, so they pop more. so the Lambo thing doesn't happen again. Masked the front of the truck window with black, looks good, tomorrow I'll get the side windows framed. Um... yeah, everything is moving forward 🙂
19 July 2019, 02:13
Chris Greathouse
#17 The last of the pieces to get a secondary color, then it's gloss time for all the exterior pieces!
20 July 2019, 02:21
Bill Newcomer
Chris I recommend BMF behind all the lights/lenses.
20 July 2019, 02:22
Chris Greathouse
I don't know how to use BMF 🙁
20 July 2019, 02:29
Peter Hardy
Chris, push kitchen foil into the headlight cavity as neat as you can. That will suffice until you learn. That's how I picked it up.
20 July 2019, 03:16
Zach Wilson
Bare Metal Foil is super easy and forgiving. Cut it out, stick it on!
20 July 2019, 03:51
Dominik Weitzer
Perhaps for the headlights use those Molotow Chrome Pen. It isn't easier to get chrome on. I use BMF only for trim, the pen for all other chromed details like headlights, sibmarker for example
20 July 2019, 06:54
I've never used BMF Dominick but I use the Molotow Liquid Chrome all the time, I love it :-D
20 July 2019, 08:49
Bart Goesaert
That liquid chrome is idd easier
20 July 2019, 09:29
Slavo Hazucha
Nice progress - I admire your planing & discipline... I would just pick up the first thing I like and fiddle around with it for a week... You have some system and method 👍 The zen-style beads hobby probably helps to clear the mind and gather focus 🙂 Good stuff all around!
20 July 2019, 16:56
Chris Greathouse
Thanks guys, I do plan on get a couple of the Molotow pens, I hear they are amazing. What size pen would you recommend... and is there any weird methods to use with the pens?

@Slavo thanks for the compliment on my system. The beads help to mix things up a little and let me zone out for a bit before bed 😄

@Bart what is idd?
20 July 2019, 17:50
Hi Chris, there's a good range of different size tips on those Molotow chrome pens, I think they have about 6 sized tips from about 1.5mm up to 6mm, something like that.
Like a regular paint pen you have to shake & pump the tip (....down boy!) to get it to flow properly.
Quite often I've used the fatter tipped ones to cover large areas like a bumper on an 1/8th scale model.
If you don't routinely pump up the tip full of paint it'll drag the surface & dry up, but you can just get it wet & go straight back over it.

20 July 2019, 18:32
Chris Greathouse
Thanks Munky... If I could quite buying beads for half a sec... I could get modeling supplies 😄 I just bought another bead art 😄 This one is large 50cm x 50cm 😄 [img1]
20 July 2019, 18:45
Bob Hall
Hobby Lobby has the 1,2 and 4 MM Molotow Pens, about 11 bucks a piece, if I recall correctly.
20 July 2019, 19:10
Chris Greathouse
I heard that 1mm sucks, but the 2mm and 4mm are good. I need to go to town in the next couple weeks, maybe I'll stop by HL.
20 July 2019, 19:16
Bob Hall
I use all of them, they have their place and purpose.
20 July 2019, 19:30
Ahh the voice of experience Bob! Do you mean by that they are ok for some jobs but not a good replacement for BMF? As I've never used the foil & the pens suit my skill level (& patience level) I often champion them.
20 July 2019, 19:34
Tim Heimer
Yes , they work great, shake it up and go! I use mine all the time! Warning: DO NOT BUY THE 1 mm! I also put the liquid on a surface in excess and then use a fine tip brush to apply. Large areas are not advisable, like no more than about 13mm wide.
20 July 2019, 20:08
Tom ...
Funny, I use the 1mm the most... but most of the time I'm using it on very small areas.
20 July 2019, 20:18
Chris Greathouse
Hey Tom!!!! How goes the RC flying? How many planes do you have?
20 July 2019, 20:36
Tim Heimer
Me and others here have had a problem with the 1mm tip, for some reason most malfunction. That's why I said that, but hey, if yours is doing well I'm glad someone's having luck with it!
20 July 2019, 21:02
Bob Hall
Just have to see what ones work best for you Chris, I have no issues with the 1MM, I just use it for Door locks,radio dials and small trim.
20 July 2019, 21:53
Chris Greathouse
No pic... Everything is ready for tomorrow. Clear coat in the morning and decals in the afternoon.
21 July 2019, 02:24
Chris Greathouse
There is an update with my beads project... Sea Turtles 😄 imgur.com/a/et4pEBV
21 July 2019, 03:57
Bart Goesaert
Idd -> indeed...
21 July 2019, 06:36
Chris Greathouse
21 July 2019, 07:09
Chris Greathouse
#18 Decals done... I'm mostly happy with them... a couple got shredded a bit. Tomorrow, more clear x2 and building....
22 July 2019, 01:26
Tim Heimer
Looking good, are you going to have a flowered trailer with that? It would then be something like a retro set up from the 60's!
22 July 2019, 02:07
Donald Dickson II
Looking good!
22 July 2019, 02:12
Ian Oostelbos
Looking great!!!!
22 July 2019, 04:10
Bill Newcomer
Nice work!
22 July 2019, 04:11
Chris Greathouse
No Tim, But I do have a paired Viking themed truck and trailer to build down the road at some point.

and thanks ya'll!
22 July 2019, 04:21
Bob Hall
Guess Ill have to build my Patrol Car to put behind your Trucks LOL ! ohh and i do have 1/24 scale tickets too !!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 July 2019, 05:16
Peter Hardy
Surely any Driver who has to put up with the indignity of having flowers all over his vehicle doesn't need any further harassment!
22 July 2019, 05:30
Chris Greathouse
22 July 2019, 05:39
Bob Hall
He Need to build the one from "Maximum Overdrive" that would be awesome !
22 July 2019, 08:17
Chris Greathouse
Hey! A movie I know! Are you talking about the goblin truck?
22 July 2019, 18:29
Paul Juliano
I want a "Large Marge" driver figure for this one! Remember her from Pee Wee's Big Adventure?
22 July 2019, 18:58
Bob Hall
Yes ! The Black one with the goblin face ! Pee Wee ! That would be awesome too !
22 July 2019, 19:12
Paul Juliano
Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya.

22 July 2019, 19:39
Chris Greathouse
While we are in the land of funny and absurd... I've always thought there should be a 1:24 car passenger figurine with his a$$ hanging out the window, mooning the world 😛 as the driver peels away.

Youtube Video
22 July 2019, 19:43
Dave Flitton
22 July 2019, 20:03
Paul Juliano
Quick! Mark the post NSFW! hahahahah
22 July 2019, 20:12
Chris Greathouse
But wouldn't that be an awesome/humorous figurine?
22 July 2019, 21:16
Chris Greathouse
I would use it as I pass Bob in his trooper car 😛
22 July 2019, 21:31
Chris Greathouse
#19 All the piece are done... Build time ! 🙂
23 July 2019, 00:48
Bob Hall
Yeah ! Nothing like a tazer shot to the cheeks ! LOL ZAP ZAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 July 2019, 01:02
Chris Greathouse
Worth it 😛
23 July 2019, 02:23
Chris Greathouse
#20 Steps 3 of 15 done.
23 July 2019, 02:24
Peter Hardy
Not too many oil stains on the block Chris, Volvos don't leak oil.
23 July 2019, 02:27
Bob Hall
Because Sardine oil is clear ! LOL
23 July 2019, 04:33
Chris Greathouse
#21 Step 7 of 15 done. A couple of pieces didn't fit right, so I hacked and slashed to get them in there mostly the right way.
23 July 2019, 22:23
Tim Heimer
I hate when that happens! But you got it!
24 July 2019, 00:15
Chris Greathouse
Side project of bead paint-by-number titled Sea Turtles, is done for those who care 🙂 imgur.com/a/et4pEBV
24 July 2019, 06:25
Tim Heimer
That was colorful!
24 July 2019, 12:19
Chris Greathouse
Hee, Thanks Tim! The next one is colorful as well 😄 It has around 40,000 beads total! It's a real monster!
24 July 2019, 17:33
Chris Greathouse
#22 Step 9 of 15 is done, wheels on! Next is working the interior, then all the bits and bobs on the outside.
24 July 2019, 18:35
Nathan Dempsey
Looking nice Chris. Oh and the art looked cool too. 🙂
24 July 2019, 18:40
Chris Greathouse
#23 + #24 Interior pictures

@Nathan thanks on both! It's kind of fun having different projects to post on 😄
24 July 2019, 19:01
Martin Oostrom
Now that's a bright interior! That red steering wheel must be road rage inducing...
24 July 2019, 20:14
Chris Greathouse
#25 The truck is mostly done with the bits and bobs left... I shredded lots of decals handling the truck 🙁 ... Oh well.
24 July 2019, 20:23
Tim Heimer
Wow, now that's a colorful truck!
24 July 2019, 21:26
Looks good! Yes Tim that's for some people who don't see enough colours in their daily lives 😉
24 July 2019, 21:28
Tim Heimer
you mean like me? LOL
24 July 2019, 21:30
24 July 2019, 21:36
Tom ...
Très pretty! Looking forward to the booth shots.
24 July 2019, 21:49
Chris Greathouse
Still a few more steps to go... Then it's in the booth like Lincoln.... photo shot 😛 😄
24 July 2019, 21:59
Dominik Weitzer
holla,...Looks like a very fast built! looking good!
25 July 2019, 13:10
Paul Juliano
This is looking slick, Chris. I love the color and the decals. Is there a trailer for it too? Is there any chance it transforms into Optimus Prime?
25 July 2019, 16:49
Chris Greathouse
Thanks guys! I hope to finish and get the photo booth out today 😄
25 July 2019, 17:16
Martin Oostrom
And Dutch plates! 👍
25 July 2019, 20:50
Nathan Dempsey
Nice booth shots! Makes that red really stand out 🙂
26 July 2019, 00:08
Slavo Hazucha
A fancy closing photo-session! 👍 Flowers on a red carpet - what more can you wish for?😉 You put your trust in the right place again with going for this build & finish - now look at it - some catalogue-spec pics there...
26 July 2019, 05:27
Tim Heimer
Nice work there Chris!
26 July 2019, 12:30
Paul Juliano
Another fantastic piece!
26 July 2019, 12:32
Bill Newcomer
Awesome job Chris! Do you have a trailer for it?
26 July 2019, 14:12
A nice hippies`build in every way ........
26 July 2019, 15:13
Random Penguin
[img1] Already finished?!
26 July 2019, 15:35
Greg Baker
Groovy baby!
26 July 2019, 16:27
Chris Greathouse
Thanks guys... No trailer... yet... maybe... Everytime I see a trailer I also see a car and go for that instead. 😛
26 July 2019, 17:34
Tim Heimer
Do like Bill Newcomer and do a car trailer!
26 July 2019, 17:39
Chris Greathouse
The next project? Ta-Da!

29 July 2019, 05:21
Ian Oostelbos
Finished already!! Amazing!
29 July 2019, 08:56
Chris Greathouse
Thanks! And that's me working at half speed 😛 I'd work on the Volvo from morning until afternoon-ish, then I'd flip gears and work on my beads until night 😛
29 July 2019, 18:48
Chris Greathouse
Thanks James! The spoilers gave me a real hard time with fitting, and staying attached.... but another truck I'm happy to have on my shelf.
29 July 2019, 23:52

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1:24 VOLVO FH16 GLOBETROTTER XL (Italeri 3821)

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