Scalemates Schwalbe Group build 2021
January 19, 2021Content of the box. I don't have the instructions so it will be a little bit of a puzzle.2
January 31, 2021First small step. Painted with Alclad Aluminium and Alclad Jet Exhaust3
February 7, 2021Panel lines on the body are filled, except for the removable/openable panels for the gun bay. That makes getting rid of the seamline a lot easier.
Also no flare exits, so they must be remove from the kit.4
February 7, 2021From an another angle5
February 7, 2021To me it looks like V6 had no positioning lights...
Or am I overlooking something. My eyes are not that young anymore.6
March 5, 2021Overview of the panel lines and where the removable panels are7
March 5, 2021Overview of alle panel lines and where the removable panels are8
March 5, 2021Overview of alle panel lines and where the removable panels are9
March 5, 2021Overview of alle panel lines and where the removable panels are10
March 7, 2021filler mania part I11
March 7, 2021filler mania part II12
March 7, 2021filler mania part III13
March 15, 2021First layer of paint. RLM76 by Gunze (H417). I think it is a little bit too blue. This is just the first layer so I can check where I need to use more filler.14
March 25, 2021After more putty, sanding and restoring some panellines a basecoat of Tamiya XF-16. Normaly I don't use XF-16 because it is to grainy for my taste. But as this will serve as a basecaot it is okay. Next I will paint all the removed panel lines with a darkish grey, with the 'putty-camo' as an example. That will serve as a kind of pre-shading for the final RLM76. Trying to avoid a too bland finish.15
March 25, 2021Cockpit almost done. Added a PE set from Eduard. I managed to lose the kit dashboard, don't ask me how. And because I don't have carpet in my work area, I can't blame the carpet monster.16
March 25, 2021Added homemade cushions to the seat.17
May 10, 2021Finaly some progress.
Body closed, sanded and primered. After that 1 light coat of aluminium and preshading in two colors. Green to represent the putty used and black for the real panels. I hope that this will break up the monotone RLM76 topcoat.18
May 12, 2021RLM76 applied, the preshading with two colors worked out as I hoped19
May 12, 2021If you look closely you can just see a hint of the green preshading. This was exactly the effect I was hoping for.20
May 13, 2021Today I wanted to start with the decals and opened the package of the XtraDecals set. I bought this set because it is advertised as containing markings for the 6th prototype V6. But....
The call sign for V6 is VI+AA, but the markings provided are VI+AL. This turns out to be for the S7 red 6.
So the 6 on the machine has nothing to do with being the 6th prototype. This is annoying. I made a lot of changes to reflect the V6 prototype and now it turns out I have markings for a machine that is almost an A1 spec. The S7 has an antenna, the flares, navigation lights, cooling slots on the engine nacelles, etc. All of which I eliminated because V6 didn't have them. I almost threw the kit in the bin, I was so disappointed.
After some coffee (lots) I decided the use the markings provided, improvise an antenna and pretend it is S7. And consider it a lesson to first check what markings I really have and not to rely on descriptions.
At least I can add some of the provided stencils, because S7 has served with an operational unit. V6 had no stencils as that machine was never intended to be serviced outside the Me factories.
13 March 2025, 17:52 -
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Since the decals are very old, I don't think they are usable.
Also my eyes are not that good anymore, so I am hesitant to try the difficult camouflage schemes of the Me262. Instead I decided to buy the Xtradecal set that includes decals for the 6th prototype that is a uniform RLM76. Now waiting for Hannants to resume shipping to the EU...
Group Build

Scalemates Schwalbe Group build 2021
1. January until 31. December 2021
1. January until 31. December 2021