Masked inlets and black piece of sheet for the LED, so no light can shine through the plastic. I placed zwo blue 1206-SMD LEDs on a small piece of hole matrix board and attached them on the black sheet. Unfortunalely, i forgot to take a picture.
These are the small inlets in front of the wings near the main hull. It's a shame, they are not made in clear red styrene, so it's really difficult to get light through.
The lower wing section ready for assembly. I also add a small Attiny85-Controller inside, für flickering the enginelights and blinking the Anti-Collision-Lights.
In the movie, the Protector had no such ACL. But i like them to much. 😉
The LED-Board for the forward engines. On the side, you can see 1,0mm fiberoptic for lightning the outer side of the wing. It's very little space there, so for the future i would prefer 0,75mm. Generell space is critical in the wings!
I had to remove some material inside, so i can get the cables and fiberoptics to the center of the ship. I use 0,05mm² wire, but that's a little to thick. For the future, i will use some enamelled copper wire, which is much more smaller. The current is very low, so that should be no problem.
The fuselages. I drilled a lot of 0,5mm holes and installed fiberoptics. After that, i use a white 5mm LED, put a piece of polystyre tube on top, and use PVAC glue for fixing. Don't use superglue! It will destroy the plastic fiberoptics.
This was a Fastbuild, cause it was planed as present, and i have started the build to late. So, i'm not really satisfied with the result. That's also the reason, why i missed some pictures: The clock was ticking, so i forgot at some stepy, to take pictures.
I've another kit, which i will build later with some improvements. Generall, the kit is quiet good. Fitting is excellent, but the decals are a little bit fragile. Maybe they are to old, the kit was on my stash for many years. So use decal fixing solution, before you place them.