Albums (26)
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9 images
Hitachi ASTACO Neo Build Photos
All done! Ha - I guess there weren't many updates along the way. Fun build - pretty simple but time consuming to paint a...
Project: Hitachi ASTACO Neo
0 images
Flettner FL 282 V-21 Kolibri Build PhotosThis album does not contain any images.
Project: Flettner FL 282 V-21 Kolibri
11 images
YANMAR Combine YH6115 Build Photos
All done. Sorry that I skipped out on all the other steps to get here but I guess I just wasn't in the mood to document ...
Project: YANMAR Combine YH6115
17 images
Build Photos: Soltic H8 Round Facer Hang Glider Equipment Type
Weathered and muddied up. All done! Thanks for watching.
58 images
Krachenvogel FNS465 Build
All done! This all came together pretty quickly andI'm happy with how it came out. Thanks for following along!
Project: Krachenvogel FNS465
15 images
Build Photos: Agricultural Tractor D8500
Build complete!
Project: Agricultural Tractor D8500
22 images
Build Photos: Honda CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP
Finished build
Project: Honda CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP
9 images
Finished Project: Shinkai 6500 Seabed Diorama Set
Project: Shinkai 6500 Seabed Diorama Set
17 images
Build Photos: Volkswagen T3 (1979–1992)
Bottom built with some light dust weathering
Project: Volkswagen T3 (1979–1992)