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1:72 M4 Sherman

Linha do tempo para Hasegawa (MB-015) U.S. Army M-4(A3E8) Sherman

História completa

Minicraft Hasegawa
Gunze Sangyo
Goffy Model
Dragon Armor
Ace Corporation
Plastic Soldier
Forces of Valor
Modell Trans Modellbau
Ready Kit (RK)
Triumph Model
1:72 M-4(A3E8) Sherman (Hasegawa MB-015)Produto novoStatic1:72 M-4 A3E8 Sherman (Minicraft Hasegawa 715)Nova caixaStatic1:72 D-Day Plus 10 (Hasegawa MB606)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ESCI 8028)Produto novoStatic1:72 D-Day Plus 10 (Minicraft Hasegawa 606)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4 A1 (Revell/ESCI H2324)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Hasegawa MB-123)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4 A1 sherman (Polistil 8028)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Aurora/ESCI 6205)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman Calliope (ESCI 8059)Peças novasStatic1:72 Kampfpanzer M4 mit Raketenwerfer T34 Calliope (Revell/ESCI H2360)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Anzio - Allies Landing (ESCI 2004)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ESCI 8028)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M-4(A3E8) Sherman (Hasegawa/Hales MB-015)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3 (Revell/ESCI H2365)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Okinawa (ESCI 2022)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Okinawa - The Final Clash (ESCI 2022)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (ESCI 8064)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman Tank (Humbrol HK72203)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ERTL 8302)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4-A1 Sherman Calliope (ERTL 8305)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (ERTL 8306)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Kasserine Pass - US First Clash (ESCI 2023)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Saipan - Prelude to Victory (ESCI 2025)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ESCI 8028)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman Calliope (ESCI 8059)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (ESCI 8064)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ESCI 8308)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Calliope (ESCI 8313)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (ESCI 8604)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 A1 Sherman Tank (ESCI/ERTL 8308)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4 A1 Sherman (ESCI/ERTL 8308)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman Rocket Launcher Calliope (ESCI/ERTL 8313)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (AMT/ERTL 8639)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman (Gunze Sangyo GE-313)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M-4(A3E8) Sherman (Hasegawa 31115)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (76 mm Gun) (Matchbox 40181)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman w US Infantry & Panther Ausf.G w German Infantry Attack Team (Hasegawa MT101)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (Revell 03102)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 Tank (Monogram 85-2321)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Armored Assault (AMT/ERTL 8264)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (ESCI/ERTL 8308)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman w/76mm Gun (Hasegawa/Monogram 86103)ReboxStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman w/76mm Gun vs Sturmgeschütz IV Sd.Kfz 167 (Hasegawa/Monogram 86120)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman late (Armo 72094)Produto novoStatic1:72 Sherman M4 A3 (AL-BY/ESCI CK-04)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman M4 A3 (AL-BY/ESCI CK05)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly (AL-BY/ESCI CK06)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman & US Infanterie (Revell 03164)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 M4 Sherman (Armourfast 99001)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4 Sherman 701 Arm DIV (Aoshima 071342)Produto novo1:72 M4 Sherman 3rd Arm DIV (Aoshima 071359)Rebox1:72 Sherman Firefly 11th Arm Div (Aoshima 072196)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Firefly Po 1 Div (Aoshima 072202)Rebox1:72 M4A3 76mm Sherman (HäT 99012)Produto novoStatic1:72 Sherman M4 (75mm Early) (Extratech EXM 72035)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4 Sherman (Italeri 7003)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 M4A3 (76)W Sherman (Eduard 7601)Peças novasStatic1:72 British ARV Sherman (Goffy Model 7263)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Italeri 7003)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3 (76)W Sherman (Eduard 7602)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman 105 mm (Eduard 7603)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 (105 mm) Sherman (Eduard 7604)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly IC (17pdr) (Extratech EXM 72041)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman (Dragon 7271)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A1 (76) W Medium Tank (Trumpeter 07222)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman (Dragon Armor 60163)Produto novo1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Dragon 7273)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly Vc (Dragon 7300)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Firefly Vc (Dragon 7303)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Dragon 7311)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Tank Mid-Production (Trumpeter 07223)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Medium Tank (Trumpeter 07224)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 (T66 Track) (Trumpeter 07225)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 (76) W Tank (Trumpeter 07226)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 Tank (Trumpeter 07229)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman 76mm (Armourfast 99012)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman 75mm (Armourfast 99014)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman 105mm (Armourfast 99015)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly (Armourfast 99017)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman 75mm (Armourfast 99021)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman (Dragon Armor 60164)Rebox1:72 Firefly Vc "Douglas Kay" (Dragon Armor 60250)Peças novas1:72 Firefly Vc (Dragon Armor 60251)Rebox1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Dragon Armor 60257)Peças novas1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Dragon Armor 60258)Rebox1:72 Captured Firefly Vc (Dragon Armor 60259)Rebox1:72 Firefly Vc (Dragon Armor 60260)Peças novas1:72 M4 Sherman (UM  370)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (105mm) VVSS (Dragon 7274)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman (76)W - Red Army (Dragon 7275)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Mk.III (Dragon 7288)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 (76) W Sherman (Dragon 7302)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon 7304)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman (Dragon 7305)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman Mk.V 'Tulip' (Dragon 7312)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 (105) HVSS Sherman (Dragon 7313)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Dragon Armor 60278)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 105mm VVSS (Dragon Armor 60282)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 105mm VVSS (Dragon Armor 60283)Rebox1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Dragon Armor 60284)Rebox1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon Armor 60292)Peças novas1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon Armor 60293)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8(76)W HVSS (Dragon Armor 60297)Peças novas1:72 M4A3E8(76)W HVSS (Dragon Armor 60298)Rebox1:72 Sherman Mk.V "Tulip" (Dragon Armor 60307)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Mk.V "Tulip" (Dragon Armor 60308)Rebox1:72 Sherman Mk.III (Dragon Armor 60309)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Mk.III (Dragon Armor 60310)Rebox1:72 M4A3 105mm HVSS (Dragon Armor 60315)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 105mm HVSS (Dragon Armor 60316)Rebox1:72 Captured Firefly Vc with Additional Armor (Dragon Armor 60321)Peças novas1:72 M4A2 Tarawa (Dragon Armor 60331)Peças novas1:72 American Infantry with Sherman (Italeri 73003)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 & US-Infanterie/Sturmgeschütz IV & Deutsche Infanterie (Revell 03201)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 & US-Infanterie/Sturmgeschütz IV & Deutsche Infanterie (Revell 03201)ReboxStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman Calliope (Italeri 7056)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman Ic Firefly (Dragon 7322)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 75mm Sherman w/deep wading kit (Dragon 7367)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 75mm Beutepanzer (Dragon 7373)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 HVSS Sherman flamethrower tank (UM  380)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman VC Firefly (UM  386)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Dragon Armor 60317)Peças novas1:72 M4A2(76)W (Dragon Armor 60360)Peças novas1:72 LCM(3) Landing Craft + M4A1 w/Deep Wading Kit + Diorama Beach (Dragon Armor 60362)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 105mm HVSS + Diorama Fort (Dragon Armor 60366)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Ic Firefly (Dragon Armor 60367)Peças novas1:72 M4 Normandy w/Deep Wading Kit (Dragon Armor 60369)Peças novas1:72 M4 Normandy (Dragon Armor 60370)Peças novas1:72 M4A2 Tarawa w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60374)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Mk.III w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60375)Peças novas1:72 M4A3E8(76)W HVSS w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60377)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Mk.III w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60381)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 105mm HVSS w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60382)Peças novas1:72 M4A2(76)W w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60383)Peças novas1:72 Sherman Ic Firefly, w/Diorama Base (Dragon Armor 60387)Peças novas1:72 M4A2 Sherman III (Italeri 7511)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman (UM  373)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2(76) HVSS Sherman (UM  377)Peças novasStatic1:72 "German Paint Job" Firefly Vc (Dragon Armor 60319)Peças novas1:72 Beutepanzer M4A2 75 (Dragon Armor 60403)Peças novas1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Armo 72093)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman (late) (Armo 72094)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo (Extratech EXM 72036)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4(105) HVSS Sherman (UM  375)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (Ace Corporation 3302)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 M4A1 75mm Sherman Tank (Plastic Soldier WW2V20004)Produto novoStatic1:72 Allied M4A1 76mm Wet Stowage Sherman Tank (Plastic Soldier WW2V20005)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3 105mm Sherman w/deep wading kit (Dragon 7330)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (UM  221)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 (76W) HVSS (Dragon Armor 60469)Rebox1:72 M4A3 Sherman (UM  216)DesconhecidoStatic1:72 Sherman with rocket launcher T-34 Calliope (UM  376)DesconhecidoStatic1:72 M4A3 75mm Sherman (Italeri 7518)Produto novoStatic1:72 U.S. M4A1 Sherman (Forces of Valor 87013)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Italeri 7003)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo (Italeri 7520)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 (76W) HVSS (Dragon Armor 60469)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 (76W) HVSS (Dragon Armor 60470)Rebox1:72 M4A2 Sherman (UM  214)DesconhecidoStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman 76mm (Italeri 7521)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman with T40 rocket launcher (UM  223)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (UM  224)Peças novasStatic1:72 U.S. 1/4-Ton 4x4 Truck + Sherman M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon 7412)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman (Revell 03196)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Sherman M4A4 & Firefly Tank (Plastic Soldier WW2V20015)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman "D-Day" (Heller 79892)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4 HVSS IDF Ambutank (Modell Trans Modellbau MT72221)Produto novoStatic1:72 T6 Medium Tank (Modell Trans Modellbau MT72415)Produto novoStatic1:72 D-Day: Limited Edition (Heller 53007)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman "Division Leclerc" (Heller 79894)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman "D-Day" (Heller 49892)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman "Division Leclerc" (Heller 49894)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Omaha Beach (Heller 53003)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Division Leclerc (Heller 53006)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman III (Italeri 7511)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Tiger I/Panther G Vs. M4A3E8 Sherman/M24 "Across the Rhine" (Hasegawa 30035)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Omaha Beach (Heller 53003)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 D-Day (Heller 53008)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 (75) Sherman Medium tank (UM  372)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman (Italeri 74002)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 French M4 (Trumpeter 07169)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman IIC Medium tank (UM  384)ReboxStatic1:72 T-31 Demolition tank (UM  456)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman V tank with FL-10 turret (UM  452)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3(76) W VVSS Sherman (Dragon 7567)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman - Normandy (Dragon 7568)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman M4A3 (105mm) VVSS (Dragon 7569)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon 7571)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 with 105mm M4 (Trumpeter 07168)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Dragon 7572)ReboxStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman tank (UM  373)Peças novasStatic1:72 Medium tank Sherman IC (UM  383)Peças novasStatic1:72 Sherman V tank with 60lb Aircraft Rocket (UM  468)Peças novasStatic1:72 Allied Sherman M4A2 Tank (Plastic Soldier WW2V20034)Peças novasStatic1:72 U.S. M4A1 Sherman (Waltersons 5004)ReboxStatic1:72 M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman + BONUS (Dragon 7567)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 SHERMAN FIREFLY Lebanese Militia (Ready Kit (RK) RK184)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman (Modelist 307215)ReboxStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly Vc (Airfix A02341)Produto novoStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (Revell 03290)Novos decalquesStatic1:72 Sherman Mk.V 'Tulip' (Dragon 7312)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman M4A3 HVSS (Dragon 7524)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman Korean War (Dragon 7570)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman "D-Day" (Heller 79892)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman "Division Leclerc" (Heller 79894)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage T52 (UM  466)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4 Sherman "D-Day" (Heller 56892)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman "Division Leclerc" (Heller 56894)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Sherman M4A1 (Revell 03290)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3 Sherman "Calliope" (Dragon 7677)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman 76mm Saunders University High School (Platz GP72-28)ReboxStatic1:72 M4A1 Sherman 76mm Saunders University High School (Platz GP72F3-7)Nova caixaStatic1:72 Sherman Firefly (Airfix A55003)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 T10 Mine Exploder (Modell Trans Modellbau MT72078)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A1(76) Sherman, Belgium, April 1942 (Waltersons 55016)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A1 (76) W Sherman (Dragon Armor 60102)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Tiger Face" (Dragon Armor 63139)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Tiger Face" (Dragon Armor 63140)Rebox1:72 M4A1 (76) W VVSS Sherman (Dragon Armor 63142)Rebox1:72 M4A3 HVSS (Dragon Armor 63147)Peças novas1:72 M4A3 HVSS (Dragon Armor 63148)Rebox1:72 M4A3 HVSS POA-CWS-H5 Flamethrower (Dragon Armor 63149)Peças novas1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Tiger Face" (Dragon Armor 63150)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Tiger Face" (Dragon Armor 63151)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Tiger Face" (Dragon Armor 63152)Rebox1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman & M24 Chaffee "US Army Main Battle Tank Combo" (Hasegawa 30068)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 WWII U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" Early Production.w/ T66 Tracks (Triumph Model P72007)Produto novoStatic1:72 T6 (SSMODEL 72533)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A4 Sherman (Dragon 7311)Peças novasStatic1:72 Omaha Beach (Heller 50332)Nova caixaStatic1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman "Thunderbolt VII" (Dragon Armor 63168)Rebox1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon Armor 63169)Rebox1:72 M4A1(76)W VVSS (Dragon Armor 63171)Rebox1:72 Sherman Firefly (Airfix A68221)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 Omaha Beach (Heller 52332)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 US M4A3E8 Sherman "Thunderbolt VII" w/T66 tracks (Triumph Model P72013)Produto novoStatic1:72 M4A3E8 Sherman (Triumph Model P72014)Produto novoStatic1:72 WWII U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" Mid Production.w/ T66 Tracks (Triumph Model P72008)Peças novasStatic1:72 U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" Late Production.w/ T80 Tracks (Triumph Model P72009)Peças novasStatic1:72 U.S. Medium Tank M4A3E8 Sherman "Easy Eight" Cement Armor.w/ T66 Tracks (Triumph Model P72010)Peças novasStatic1:72 WWII US M4A3E8 Heavy Armor w/T66 tracks (Triumph Model P72012)Peças novasStatic1:72 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo (Dragon 7272)Peças novasStatic1:72 Division Leclerc (Heller 53015)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4 Sherman "D-Day" (Heller 56892)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:72 M4A2 Sherman "Division Leclerc" (Heller 56894)Conjunto de modelosStatic
informações ausentes
Sherman Firefly IC Hybrid (Fine Scale Factory TL 022) Sherman M4 75mm (Fine Scale Factory TL019) Sherman M4A3 76mm (CA.MA. MODELS 72/003) Sherman M4A3 105mm (CA.MA. MODELS 72/004) Sherman M4A3 "JUMBO" (CA.MA. MODELS 72/005) Sherman M4A3E2 Jumbo (Fine Scale Factory ) Sherman Firefly (Fine Scale Factory ) Iwo Jima Sherman (Fine Scale Factory ) Sherman M4A1 (Fine Scale Factory ) Sherman (76mm) mit Sandsäcken (Fine Scale Factory TL 004) Sherman M4A3 HVSS (Fine Scale Factory TL 025) M4A2 Sherman Division Leclerc - Starter Set- Uszkodzony/Damaged (Heller 56894-reklamacja) M4 Sherman (HäT 99001) M4A3 75mm Sherman (HäT 99014) Sherman Firefly (HäT 99017) Ambutank VVSS (Wespe Models WES R004) M4A1 Sherman (UM  371) Medium Tank M4 (105) (UM  374) M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman (UM  379) M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman (UM  381) M4 tank w/M26 Pershing turret (UM  382) M4A4 Sherman (UM  385) M4A2(76)W US medium tank (UM  390) T68 Flamethrower Tank (UM  450) M4A3E2 Sherman 'Jumbo' tank (UM  453) T35 Gun Motor Carriage (UM  464)

Os kits são mostrados na linha do tempo quando conterem o ano e a origem.