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British Sherman VC


Rye Field Model | No. RM-5038 | 1:35

Boxart Sherman VC RM-5038 Rye Field Model


9 imagens
Sherman VC Firefly Velikie LukiView album, image #9
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Firefly Stowage set (Legend Productions LF1144)
24 imagens
Firefly 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry View album, image #14
Projeto: Sherman VC
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)
12 imagens
British M4 Sherman Hessian CamoView album, image #5
1:35 76.2mm Gun Barrel for Sherman Firefly Vc (Aber 35L57)1:35 Sherman the British track (Firefly) (Friulmodel ATL-94)1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1+
3 imagens
Sherman VCView album, image #1
Projeto: Sherman VC
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)
33 imagens
Sherman Firefly Ic, Groningen, Netherlands, April 13, 1945View album, image #33
Wasn't going for an exact replica of this tank, but it was the basis for this build.
1:35 Sherman tanks of the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade in WW2 (Print Scale 35-004)1:35 Firefly Ic (Dragon 6568)1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)16+
26 imagens
RFM British Sherman VC FireflyView album, image #24
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 British Shermans (Star Decals 35-C1245)1:35 British Sherman Firefly metal barrel (Def.Model DM35097)
11 imagens
Firefly in NormandyView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Tank Riders - NW Europe (MiniArt 35312)
64 imagens
Sherman V "Cock o'the North", 1 November 1944View album, image #54
And we’re done!
1:35 Sherman M4A4 Deep Wading (Resicast 35.2229)1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 T48 Workable Track Links (AFV Club AF35038)2+
39 imagens
" Where's that damn Bridge"View album, image #1
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)
21 imagens
Rye Field Model Sherman FireflyView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Tracks for M4 Sherman T62 type (MasterClub MTL35128)
14 imagens
North Nova Scotia Highlanders Universal Carrier MK II.View album, image #13
A few more parts in the front compartment, steering linkages, gearshift and storage bin,
1:35 Early WWII Panzer Crew (Alpine Miniatures 35028)1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Universal Carrier Mk.II (Riich.Models RV35027)4+