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1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I

Linha do tempo para Tamiya (25142) Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausführung E

(Sd.Kfz.181) Frühe Produktion

História completa

Minicraft Model Kits
AFV Club
Cyber Hobby
Dragon Armor
Model Factory Hiro
Rye Field Model
Darius Miniatures
Border Model
Das Werk
Tiger Model
MONO X Dragon
1:35 Tiger I (Otaki )Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Otaki 4001)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-1)ReboxStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Tamiya MT-126)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Tamiya MT226)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Nichimo R-3513)Produto novo1:35 Tiger I (Nichimo R-3518)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya MM156A)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Ausf.E (Nichimo R-3513)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-33)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya MT126)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Nichimo NR-3503)Rebox1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Nichimo SR 3502)ReboxStatic1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-40)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-33)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Otaki OT4-41)Nova caixa1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 3556)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Nichimo N-3503)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Minicraft Model Kits 1304)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35056)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35146)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I Tank (Idea )Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf.E (Nichimo DT3505)Peças novasStatic1:35 German Panzerkampfwagen Tiger (Sd.Kfz '81) Ausführung E (Idea TA001)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I Late (Academy TA061)Produto novo1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I (Sd.kfz. 181), Ausf. E Late Version (Tamiya 49504)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I (spät) (Academy TA961)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E/H1 (Italeri 286)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35194)Peças novasStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI (Sd.kfz.181) Ausf. E (Tamiya 35202)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf.E (Italeri 293)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I early version (Academy 1348)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Academy 1387)Peças novasStatic1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (CMK T35001)Peças novasStatic1:35 T-VI "Tiger" (Zvezda 3543)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35216)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (früh) (Academy 1386)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production Version (Academy 1387)Peças novasStatic1:35 T-VI E "Tiger" (Zvezda 3589)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 35227)Peças novasStatic1:35 Bergetiger (Italeri 362)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 48202)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (late) (Tamiya 89562)Peças novasStatic1:35 German Tiger I Early Production Finished Model (Tamiya 21014)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6252)Produto novoStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (AFV Club AF35079)Produto novoStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I (Sd.kfz. 181), Ausf. E Late Version (Tamiya 89566)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Sd.Kfz. 181 Tiger I (Dragon 6253)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Late Version (AFV Club AF35S27)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Cyber Hobby 6286)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61001)Produto novo1:35 German Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 21802)Rebox1:35 T-VI "Tiger" (Zvezda 3543)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Cyber Hobby 6350)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61002)Rebox1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61003)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6406)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6416)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I Late Production Version (Academy 13209)Nova caixaStatic1:35 "Michael Wittmann" Tiger I Early Production, (Dragon Armor 61006)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Dragon Armor 61019)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Dragon Armor 61020)Rebox1:35 Tiger 1 (Tamiya 89646)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6383)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I (Academy 13861)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf.E Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6335)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon Armor 61014)Peças novas1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon Armor 61021)Peças novas1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Italeri 6471)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon Armor 61028)Rebox1:35 German Tiger I Early Production Finished Model (Tamiya 21003)Rebox1:35 German Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 21801)Rebox1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 25109)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger Ausf.E (Tp ) (Italeri 286)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz. 181 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I "Hybrid" (Italeri 6487)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6600)Peças novasStatic1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Cyber Hobby 6610)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw VI Ausf.E Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6660)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E Late Version mit Transportkette (AFV Club AF35S25)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6650)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E (Zvezda 3646)Produto novoStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I Ausf. E mid production (Italeri 6507)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Cyber Hobby 6763)Peças novasStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-002)Produto novoStatic1:35 GERMAN TIGER-I (Academy 13239)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger 1 with figures (Academy 13264)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Heavy Tank Tiger-I (Academy 13265)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-003)ReboxStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Cyber Hobby 9142)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School Version (Platz GP-6)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School Version (Platz GP-6EX)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf.H2 (Dragon 6683)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production (Dragon 6700)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I (Ver. Mid) (Academy 13287)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5001)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 25401)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I (Italeri 36502)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger 1 "Tunisian Initial" (Dragon 6608)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6730)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I early - "131" Tunisia (Dragon 6820)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I "Gruppe Fehrmann, Essel 1945" (Academy 13299)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I (Academy 13314)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5003)Peças novasStatic1:35 Diorama Sceneries 13 60x60 mm (Darius Miniatures B35013)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6253)Peças novasStatic1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (Dragon 6850)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger I (Platz 39502)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I Gruppe "Fehrmann" (Rye Field Model RM-5005)Peças novasStatic1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5008)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Middle Production (Rye Field Model RM-5010)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI (7.5cm) Ausf. B (Dragon 6868)Produto novoStatic1:35 TIGER 131 ''Limited edition'' (Italeri 36512)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624)Peças novasStatic1:35 Bergepanzer Tiger I Demolition Charge Layer mit Borgward IV Ausf.A Heavy Demolition Charge Vehicle (Dragon 6865)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6866)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger-I Ver. Early (Academy 13509)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Ausf. E (Zvezda 3646)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Platz GP-38)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-38EX)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Revell 05790)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:35 Tiger I (Trumpeter 09539)Produto novoStatic1:35 Pz. Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E (Italeri 6557)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Dragon 30TH-07)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Dragon 6800)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6885)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Trumpeter 09540)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5015)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1354)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1357)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I 'Mid Version' (Airfix A1359)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I 'Early Version' (Airfix A1363)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I 'Late Version' (Airfix A1364)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624SP)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production w/Zimmerit Otto Carius (Dragon 6888)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6947)Peças novasStatic1:35 Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausf. E (Sd.Kfz.181) (Model Factory Hiro MK-006)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5025)Peças novasStatic1:35 German heavy tank T-VI "Tiger" (Modelist 303563)ReboxStatic1:35 Tiger I (Border Model BT-010)Produto novoStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Early Production 501 abt (Dragon 6328)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit (Normandy 1944) (Dragon 6947SP)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6950)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5050)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Sd.Kfz.181 (Dragon 6484)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production s.Pz.Abt. 502 Leningrad Region 1942/3 (Dragon 6600MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/Zimmerit (Dragon 6624MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Wittmann's Last Tiger (Dragon 6800MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production Battle of Malonovka Otto Carius (Dragon 6888MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production Battle of Kharkov (Dragon 6950MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-38MS)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5001U)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5075)Peças novasStatic1:35 "Operation Ochsenkopf Tiger" (Dragon 6328)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger 1 "Tunisian Initial" (Dragon 6608MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production, Wittmann's Command Tiger (Dragon 6730MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger "131" Early Production s.Pz.Abt.504 Tunisia (Dragon 6820MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production "TiKi" Das Reich Division (Battle of Kursk) (Dragon 6885MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 VK45.01(H) (Fgsl.Nr.V1) Tiger Experimental Series (Rye Field Model RM-5071)Peças novasStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5078)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5080)Peças novasStatic1:35 PzKpfwg.VI Tiger I late (Das Werk DW35028)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Border Model BT-014)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid-Production w/Zimmerit (Takom 2198)Produto novoStatic1:35 Tiger I (Dragon 6800)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger I Late (Dragon 6947)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Dragon 6990MT)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Kuromorimine Girls High School (Platz GP-86:9800)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Late Production w/zimmerit (Takom 2199)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Mid Production w/zimmerit (Takom 2200)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Mid. Production (Rye Field Model RM-5100)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I (Border Model BT-023)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (Border Model BT-034)Peças novasStatic1:35 TIGER I BIG BOX (Takom 2200W)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:35 RM-5101 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Tiger I w/Zimmerit + RM-5023 Type 82E Special Box Set (Rye Field Model 1212)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:35 Tiger I (Tiger Model 4901)Produto novoStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Panzerkampfwagen Tiger I Ausf.E (Late Production) (Italeri 6754)Novos decalquesStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon 6252)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Dragon 6600)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I "Tunisian Initial sPzAbt 501"  (Dragon 6608)Peças novasStatic1:35 Villers-Bocage Michael Wittmann's Last Battle 8 August 1944 (Dragon 6999)Peças novasStatic1:35 VK45.02(H) (Takom 2191)Peças novasStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kfw.VI.Ausf.E Tiger I (Takom 2192)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I "Michael Wittmann's Tiger" Normandy 1944 Late/Late Command Production w/Zimmerit 2 in 1 (Takom 2201)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production Model with Steel Wheels w/zimmerit Gruppe "Fehrmann" (Takom 2202)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Late Production (Rye Field Model RM-5101)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5130)Peças novasStatic1:35 Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I Initial Production (Rye Field Model RM-5131)Peças novasStatic1:35 Tiger I Early Production (MONO X Dragon MD-006)Nova caixaStatic1:35 Tiger I² Box (Takom 2201W)Conjunto de modelosStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E  Tiger I Command Tiger Michael Wittmann  (Takom 2195)Peças novasStatic1:35 Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E Tiger I (Takom 2196)Peças novasStatic1:35 TIGER I² early production Box (Takom 2195W)Conjunto de modelosStatic
informações ausentes
Tiger 1 Early (Aladdin Model 00103) Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Ausführung E (Tamiya 25142) Tiger 1 Ausf.E (Italeri 286) Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E (Dragon 6600) Tiger I Tank with Interior (Academy 01348) Panzerkampfwagen DW1 (Full Resin Kit) (Brach Model BM-125) Panzerkampfwagen DW2 (Full Resin Kit) (Brach Model BM-126) Diorama Sceneries 6 60x80 mm (Darius Miniatures B35006) Diorama Sceneries 10 60x80 mm (Darius Miniatures B35010) Diorama Sceneries 29 70x70 mm (Darius Miniatures B35029)

Os kits são mostrados na linha do tempo quando conterem o ano e a origem.