2011 Production
1 1 June 2013, 10:40

Hi Xanathos,
amazing results!
My favourites are the "Good bye Okinawa" F-4 and the Mirage F-1 Double seater!
Excuse my question, but do we know us? I do remember me, that I could reading the name Xanathos in the old but proud forum from Amay Club and/or in the forum Heavy Plastic! My avatar was always the Garcon but my nickname was there Crazydocmodel!
2 June 2013, 10:52

It's me, on AMC, HeavyPlastic, Fighters, Master194... Now I prefer build my kit I lose a lot of time on the forum and my kit's stock don't reduce.
2 June 2013, 16:38

Thanks, with the Model Alliance Decals like the Dsert's storm's Tornado
5 June 2013, 08:08