PzKpfw II Ausf. L "Luchs" Update 3 präsentation
13 11 April 2015, 13:43

Klasse gemacht, Gerald. - Lediglich der Sichtblock auf der Turmluke will noch eine bisschen "Glass"-Farbe...😉🙂
11 April 2015, 19:12

Hi Gerald - geschieht mir recht - war unglücklich formuliert😉 - Ich meinte da eher so Periskop Grün oder Blau... - Das wäre noch das i-Tüpfelchen... 🙂 - Weiter so...
(Ist eh 'ne undankbare Arbeit, ich drücke mich ganz gern davor...😉😢
12 April 2015, 18:03

I used twisted wire for the Antenna. You can use 0.5mm binding wire from the hardware store, which costs 1-2 euros for 4-5m. You take the wire to form a loop and clamp it in a chuck from the small hand drill. Then you measure approx. 20cm off, cut the wire and wrap the end around a thin screwdriver. Now you twist the wire under a little tension until it is nice and stable.
19 December 2020, 15:03

Next, a 110 SF Lars 1 on Magirus 7t will be a fun thing with a lot of modifications 😉
20 December 2020, 01:23

Great job! Nice exhaust + love shadings/highlights on wheels. I should post photos of my Pz.kpfw II ausf. J - had done simillar project years ago😉
7 February 2021, 00:20