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Eelco Gregoire (Eelco)

Indian Migje


3 August 2015, 14:24
Rob van Dodewaard
Ziet er strak uit Eelco Lekker klusje al die stippen aanbrengen
 3 August 2015, 14:49
Holger Kranich
Moij werk! Nice paintjob!!!
 3 August 2015, 14:58
soheil moghisi
Really nice.
 3 August 2015, 15:08
Nice one.
 3 August 2015, 17:25
Christian Ristits
 3 August 2015, 17:28
Christian Bruer
sort of FlowerPower🙂 Looks good!
 3 August 2015, 17:34
David Thor
Very nice! Good job.
 3 August 2015, 18:26
Erik Leijdens
Vet Eelco!! Mooi werk
 3 August 2015, 18:34
Wim van der Luijt
That Mig looks really good!
 4 August 2015, 05:36
arne vd burg
Netjes Eelco
 4 August 2015, 07:11
Bernhard Schrock
Eyecatcher! Very good paint job Eelco.
 4 August 2015, 09:32
Eelco Gregoire Autor
Thanx guys!
 5 August 2015, 08:02
Ulf Petersen
Very interesting clothing!👍
 5 August 2015, 08:33
Nathan Dempsey
Beautiful work! That's a great choice for markings.
 8 October 2019, 22:08
Eelco Gregoire Autor
Thanx Nathan!
 9 October 2019, 19:44

Project info

8 imagens
1:48 MiG-21MF/BIS in the Indian Service (Eduard 1171)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21bis-K Fishbed-N
IN भारतीय वायु सेना (Indian Air Force 1950-now)
15 Sqn. C2113

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