Saab Viggen
1 3 July 2016, 08:29

Rate highly, it was a fairly simple, nice build. My only complaint is they want to upsell with their aftermarket stuff, masks (I didn't use theirs), canards with drooped flaps, tail with fold for the hangar, etc Whilst I don't mind there being no ordinance I wish they at least gave the pylons, as these don't see to be produced b anybody so it goes weaponless. Id build another, so that must mean it was well above average.
3 September 2016, 02:43

gorgeus looking Viggen. i have the tarangus in my stash, so i am happy to know that it builds well. what was your experience with the camouflage masks? i have been doubting between buying they or try to make it on my own
3 September 2016, 15:48

The swedish splinter camo looks so great in real life and you did justice to it!
3 September 2016, 15:58

Spanjaard , I have very mixed feelings. These masks were for Esci kit but I don't think that is a problem. The mask themselves are good quality, but very difficult to use. Because it is such a complex scheme with the colours interlocking, it is almost impossible to place each mask properly. I magi e building a jigsaw puzzle and place a few pieces hat have not yet interlocked, say one or corner and one on the centre. The chance of the centre o e being in exactly the right position to the mm when the remaining pieces go in is almost nil. There is no way to position each piece besides placing all the pieces, then removing the ones not needed then reapply after spraying. I also found that there was alignment issues from horizontal and vertical surfaces. Eventually I used in a more random mode. It took about 6 hours per colour to mask. Try your own mask recognising it is not a random scheme but flows like a spitfire but with straight lines and wagered edges. If too random it looks a little funny, and that is the result I got. Good luck
3 September 2016, 22:45

Wow, that is awesome! I think that is one of the coolest camo schemes ever. I am not sure if I have the intestinal fortitude to attempt that scheme when it comes time to build my Viggen. LOL
4 September 2016, 00:12

thanks a lot for the information Scott, really appreciated 🙂. i willl remember when i get to do my viggen. i have to finish my F-4J, then i have a Delorean and a couple of Tomcat, and then, it may be the viggen. pity i can not dedicate more time to modelling....
4 September 2016, 09:55
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Going to try the splinter cam.