MetalEarth Templar Knight
December 2, 2021Made a start - Left leg & foot2
December 2, 2021Left leg complete3
December 2, 2021Both legs complete4
December 2, 2021Lower limbs fastened to base - needed quite some persuasion to get everything aligned5
December 3, 2021not enough fingers to hold the helmet together & manipulate the tab inserts...
solution - cheap old ziptie!6
December 3, 2021was able to tighten the ziptie as i inserted more tabs7
December 3, 2021helmet completed8
December 3, 2021chest completed - this is ONE piece9
December 3, 2021when finishing tabs, i used some plastic tubing to protect the painted surfaces, one one jaw of the pliers10
December 3, 2021chest & head joined - why does this make me think of "just a flesh wound" ?!?!?!?11
December 11, 2021COULDN'T RESIST this display at the club Xmas BBQ meet...........lol12
December 11, 2021All belted up13
December 11, 2021Right shoulder preparation - The instructions would have had the tabs all point OUT - I went for the secret tab & eye method, and pointed all the eyes IN, and Tabs IN too, at about 45 degrees...14
December 11, 2021All secret tab/eyes completed - sorry the photo doesn't show it better15
December 11, 2021The result on the important side...16
December 11, 2021Starting to close the upper arm/shoulder.
Using the dowel helps to keep shape and prevent over-bending17
December 11, 2021Inside seem is the proof18
December 11, 2021Upper & lower right arm completed - all secret tab/eye19
December 11, 2021Used secrete tab/eye on the glove too20
December 11, 2021Finished Right arm & glove21
December 11, 2021Inside seams22
December 11, 2021Both arms completed & attached to torso, then worked around sword handle.
had to mangle his right thumb to achieve this - then band it straight again23
December 11, 2021complete except for cape24
December 11, 2021cape attached25
December 11, 202126
December 11, 202127
December 11, 202128
December 11, 2021Sword detail finalised - all done!!
14 March 2025, 00:21 -
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This is one that Chris at M&H4U want to see done.....
Shall we call him "Sir Bendalot"?? or "Sir Cursealot"?