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Torsten (TWN)

Terry Pratchett Discworld Death On Motorcycle


11 26 August 2022, 11:31
Torsten Autor
THX for the like Robert 🙂
 26 August 2022, 12:45
Torsten Autor
THX for the like Dietmar 🙂
 26 August 2022, 18:04
Da häng ich mich mal ran!
 26 August 2022, 20:26
Torsten Autor
Willkommen Acki 🙂
 27 August 2022, 06:46
Torsten Autor
THX for the likes Helerson and John 🙂
 27 August 2022, 06:47
Torsten Autor
THX for the likes Villiers and John 🙂
 28 August 2022, 18:13
Torsten Autor
THX for the like Andy 🙂
 31 August 2022, 07:00
Torsten Autor
THX for the like Dash 🙂
 4 October 2022, 11:48
Villiers de Vos
Coming along nicely. I am following with great interest as I have never worked with Metal.
 4 October 2022, 14:05
Torsten Autor
Thanks for your interest Villiers 🙂
 4 October 2022, 14:17
Torsten Autor
THX for the like S M 🙂
 5 October 2022, 03:20
Torsten Autor
Most finished
 30 June 2024, 13:11
John Hughes
"Born To Rune" is good, but my favourite was "Live Fats, Die Yo Gnu"!
 30 June 2024, 14:40
 30 June 2024, 17:46
Nice. Really big job.
 30 June 2024, 22:06

Album info

Time for another Discworld character

17 imagens
Em progresso
28mm Death on motorcycle (Micro Art Studio D03100)

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