Álbuns (66)
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23 imagens
Type IX C/40 U-190Novo: 10 November, 15:32 1:144
Projeto: German Submarine Type IX C/40 (U190)
91 imagens
Some of my older worksMulti
Tamiya stug3G with atak conversion
Projeto: Some of my older works.
40 imagens
U96 Das Boot 1:144
Finally delivered to its new owner :-)
Projeto: U-Boot Typ VII C U96 Das Boot
2 imagens
Messerschmitt bf-108 KNIL1:72
Fly 1/72 Bf-108 with brengun update and flevo decals. Dutch east indies 1941
Projeto: Knil Messerschmitt Bf 108B/D Taifun
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