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Dark Master (Darkmaster)


Em progresso
January 10, 2022

In the summer of 1942, the bulk of the Romanian armored forces were posted on the Don’s bend, covering the flanks of Paulus’ 6th army. On 9 October 1942, 1st Tank Regiment of 1st Romanian Armored Division received 11 T-3 (Pzkpfw III N) and 11 T-4 (Pzkpfw IV G) tanks, that formed two medium tank companies. 2nd Tank Regiment, stationed behind front for training and security, also received one T-3 and one T-4. During the battle of Don's Bend, 1st Tank Regiment lost 10 of the 11 T-4 tanks. The only Panzer IV Ausf. G (T4) survivor managed to retreat. This is a great subject for my new diorama.
I picked the old and trusted Italeri kit for this version of early Panzer IV and I added the Zvezda tracks from their Panzer IV Ausf. G which is a top notch kit but not good for representing the exact version of the early G that I needed. The Italeri kit is perfect except the tracks that are obsolete and missing open guide horns.

Inventário do projeto

Kits completos
Panzer IV Ausf. F1/G
Italeri 1:35
217 198x Nova caixa
German Medium Tank
Panzer IV Ausf. G
Zvezda 1:35
3674 2019 Peças novas
Cold Wind German Infantry, 1941-1942
UA Master Box (MB) 1:35
MB35103 2012 Produto novo

Albúns de fotografias

12 imagens
Panzer IV Ausf G earlyView album, image #7
Projeto: Survivor
1:35 Panzer IV Ausf. F1/G (Italeri 217)1:35 Cold Wind (Master Box MB35103)1:35 Panzer IV Ausf. G (Zvezda 3674)


14 March 2025, 23:16 -