322 Squadron and 6 ARVA over the Dutch East Indies
Flevo Decals | No. FD72-034 | 1:72

- Marca:
- Flevo Decals
- Titlu:
- 322 Squadron and 6 ARVA over the Dutch East Indies
- Număr:
- FD72-034
- Scară:
- 1:72
- Tip:
- Decalset
- Eliberată:
- 2014 Instrumentul nou
Supermarine Spitfire
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IXc
Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force 1915-50)
- 322 Sqn.
- 322 Sqn.
- 322 Sqn. EN560
1947 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Medium Sea Geay, Dark Green, Ocean grey - 322 Sqn. H-104
1948 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Medium Sea Geay, Dark Green, Ocean grey - 322 Sqn. H-60/NH238
1948 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Jungle Green, Light grey, Light Blue - 322 Sqn. H-64/NH188
1948 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Overall Light Blue - 322 Sqn. H-53/MH424
1949 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Jungle Green, Light Blue - 322 Sqn. H-69
1949 - Semarang, Nederlands Oost Indies
Jungle Green, Light Blue
Taylorcraft Auster
Taylorcraft Auster Mk.III
Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger (Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Air Force 1915-50)
- 6 ArVA NJ779/F
1949 - Java, Dutch East Indies
Dark Earth, Dark Green - 6 ArVA R-66
1949 - Java, Dutch East Indies
Dark Earth, Dark Green - 6 ArVA R-56
1949 - Java, Dutch East Indies
Overall Aluminium Dope
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