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Austin LAI (AustinLai)

Vollmer HO 3730 Farm house


5 1 March, 14:03
Ben M
Are you building a layout?
 1 March, 14:06
Austin LAI Autor
No. Just a house for the gift to a friend.
1  8 March, 12:16
Lorraine Lin
 9 March, 09:55
Ben M
Your friend will love it!
 9 March, 12:12
Looks nice, but you should paint the walls and roof black. I hope you can still reach it from below. May be it helps also to reduce the brightness of the light. With lower current the LED lives longer too.
1  9 March, 12:19

Project info

12 imagini
1:87 Farm house (Vollmer 3730)

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