1920 Rolls Royce Armoured Car - Pattern 20
July 27, 2020Had to remove some of the parts that prevented installing other parts, so this shot is after that process - left hand side2
July 27, 2020The locating pin for the fan was very feeble, so decided to drill it through & use a cut-down pin.3
July 27, 2020Rebuilt engine - Right Hand side4
July 27, 2020Found some splendid pictures on the web, of what I was aiming for..5
July 27, 2020and the result - Left hand Side6
July 27, 2020Splendid picture of the Right Hand side - I won't be replicating the wiring & fine piping!!7
July 27, 2020and the result - Right Hand Side - remember this is only 1/35th8
July 27, 2020and the fan spins too9
July 27, 2020The missing front wheel bush, still on the sprue - out with the brass piping10
July 27, 2020quite a good fit over the original axle stub11
July 27, 2020cut the "nut" off the wheel, to be drilled out & used later12
July 27, 2020the wheel in position on the new stub axle13
July 27, 2020The 2 front wheel "nuts" - fortunately I had consecutively sized brass pipe, so could use one inside the other for gluing, or free spinning.14
July 27, 2020Same approach with the rear axle - drilled out the diff & other components15
July 27, 2020Front axle stubs - 3 sized pipes: Smallest drilled and glued into the "nut" ; mid-size to strengthen the "nut"; larger size as the stub axle fitting over the plastic, and allowing the "nut" to be glued inside it, after the wheel was mounted.16
July 27, 2020Chassis and components completed - managed to lever apart the chassis rails, to squeeze in the engine.17
July 27, 2020Outside of the rear axle assembly test fit.18
July 27, 2020Completed rear axle assembly19
July 27, 2020The exhaust pipes wouldn't meet with the exhaust stacks on the engine - cut 'em off, drill 'em out, replace with the appropriately angled brass rod. - Lots of minute bending, test fit, more bending, test fit.......gotcha!20
July 27, 2020Exhaust pipes under the stacks, pretty close to where they should be.21
July 27, 2020Chassis complete with front & rear axles, engine & drive-line, exhaust, fuel tank, steering box & linkages.22
August 8, 2020Looking at the fitment of the rear armoured doors - they're a very bad fit as far as the outer hinges feeding into the indentations on the hull. So, what else can I do?23
August 8, 2020I cut the right hand double-door in half, then spent over an hour cutting and scraping and trimming etc to get that one door to fit in the CLOSED position nicely. I had decided to mount all other doors OPEN.24
August 8, 2020In order to mount them OPEN, I had to cut the barrel of each hinge down the middle, then introduce another 45degrees so that they had the right bend in them. Got the angle OK on the Left hand doors, they will just fit inside the rear utility tray side. Phew!)25
August 8, 2020Whilst doing the hinges on the upper right-hand door, I thought I'd play with the flip-cap for the rifle/sight opening. It is fully molded on the inside, so all I had to do was make a suitable cover out of some spare PE, then glue that in the OPEN position.26
August 8, 2020Another flaw in the instructions is that there's no ORDER in which to install things, and als very unclear images of the assembled part(s) in later use. Whilst doing some test fitting with the above doors I realised that the chassis has to tongue through the rear utility assembly. Some adjustment of the space here was necessary - about 0.3mm to shave off.27
August 8, 2020Here's the above test fit, showing that I will now have to mount the ammunition boxes on the outside of the trays, for my OPEN doors to be OK. Easily done.28
August 8, 2020Detail shot of the radiator properly in place, together with the radiator armour. Again the vague instructions, and some inaccurate moldings caused some concern. I ended up re-trimming the bottom mount of the shields, and then glueing that to the radiator front & the chassis for a solid structure.29
August 9, 2020Dashboard created, based on photos of the real thing - covered in satin sticky tape to make it more durable. Will glue in place after painting is done.30
August 12, 2020Looks like the lenses in this kit have gone elsewhere!!
Out with the RP Toolz Punch & Die set (2.6mm) & Shadow Hobby Thinnerline circle cutter for the 6.4mm - Used the top of a blister pack as the source.31
August 21, 2020Most of the small items detail painting - Lights now painted chrome inside and lenses mounted32
August 21, 2020Spray painting external parts - had to sand & respray a few small areas.33
August 21, 2020Looking at photos online shows firewall to radiator bracing - will need to add that for my display. This and other photos also show the linkage from the radiator shields. Will need that too.34
August 21, 2020Braces & linkage fabricated from plastic & super-glued in place - stabilised the whole vehicle!! Painted them flat black initially.....35
August 21, 2020overhead view36
August 21, 2020As per photos, painted them in the colour of the body - much better37
August 21, 2020Had to re-make the Turret retaining tabs that had been removed by the initial kit owner.
No, I don't know why these would be removed, either.38
August 21, 2020Turret test fit after tab rebuild - just lovely!39
August 21, 2020On to the running boards, which fit remarkably well onto the 3 bracket hung off the chassis. Finally found a use for these mini clothes pegs!!40
August 21, 2020Rear mudguard attached to running board & utility tray - a pretty good fit. Similarly, front mudguard installed with 2 key-in points on chassis, and underneath leading end of running board. Quite a bit of fine preparation required for the chassis mount slots, but the end result is quite solid.41
August 21, 2020View of the rear of the Utility tray, with doors open.42
August 21, 2020Close-up with turret off to let in some light, showing off dash, etc.43
August 21, 2020Another few hours work, and she's finished.....except for decals44
August 21, 2020bonnet assembly slid on quite firmly, but nicely.45
August 21, 2020Closer shot of headlights, guards, running board etc46
August 21, 2020Side shot showing bracket made for shovel - kit instructions just had it glued on the side - pinched some left-over "Metal Earth" PE - Looks pretty cool, I think!47
August 21, 2020Mounted Fuel drum on opposite side to instructions - a nicer fit on the running board here.48
August 21, 2020close-up49
August 21, 2020Closer shot of rear showing steps & tail-light50
August 21, 2020Close-up through armoured doors - there's more detail in there than before?!?!?51
August 21, 2020Turret off inspection: There are 4 rifles supplied in the kit, but they're too long to stand upright as the instructions specify, and they'd foul on the turret rotation too. So I decided to make up some brackets to hang them on the wall.52
August 21, 2020and on the passenger's side too...53
August 21, 2020Cockpit view showing computer printed dash, Radiator Shields Lever (white), etc etc54
August 21, 2020Driver's close-up55
August 21, 2020The front of vehicle56
August 21, 2020Focussing on the bonnet fit - it'll do.
I'll add a few more snaps after I do the decals......(maybe with a twist?!?!?)57
August 24, 2020ADF Decalling completed - by the way, the Roden Decals are shocking, with a couple of the larger ones I wanted to use just falling apart. Pinched some of my Red Roo stash, and spare from my Leopard RV.58
August 24, 2020Obviously these 2 are from different campaigns - you can tell by the camouflage! !;^)59
August 24, 2020Better take some supplies too60
August 24, 2020Front 1/4 close-up61
August 24, 202062
August 24, 2020Rear finished view - loading supplies63
August 24, 2020That's it, folks - Rollin' On!!
thanks for watching!
8 27 July 2020, 13:39

Following too... This will be a great help when I start its 1/72 cadet sibling... Are you going for the Irish ARR2 "Sliabh na mBan"?
21 August 2020, 19:17

I built this for a bit of fun while getting back into the hobby - probably going to make this a "What if?" Australian version - dont think it ever got to Australia! Might get some decals on it in the next day or so. Glad you like it!
22 August 2020, 03:36
Album info
Second-hand kit from an estate - looked to be complete, and in reasonable condition, so, hey, let's give it a try..........(heard that line before...)
Random sections have been started in no particular order, meaning that a lot of work-around and revision had to be devised & built