Colecții (11)1/12 1970's Formula 1 (The Scalextric Connection)idei 8×1/16 Tanksidei 25×terminat 1×1/24 Aircraftidei 24×In asteptare 1×1/35 Germanidei 118×In progres 1×terminat 2×In asteptare 2×1/35 WWII Britishidei 25×In progres 1×1/35 WWII Russianidei 20×In progres 1×terminat 4×In asteptare 1×Deutsche Kriegsmarineidei 15×In asteptare 1×Gerry Anderson - Captain Scarlet and the Mysteronsidei 6×Gerry Anderson - Thunderbirdsidei 14×In asteptare 1×Star Trekidei 17×Star Warsidei 20×In progres 1×In asteptare 2×