Oceanhawk OOB buildПосмотреть: Слайд-шоу Мозаика Список 1November 10, 2012Making first steps. Now some color is needed! 2November 10, 2012Enough for today. Result: LOVE Humbrol enamels, HATE Revell colors. :-D 3November 11, 2012the finished interior part.. 4November 11, 2012..and what you will see of it later. 5November 11, 2012painted the contact areas for the windows black (sealings) 6November 12, 2012Windows in place! 7November 12, 2012This one is for Frank to show how cruel the panel looks in closeup. 🙂 8November 13, 2012Fuselage put together. You see there are some areas in need of putty/sanding. 9November 13, 2012from another angle.. 10November 13, 2012here you can also see the dashboard again.. 11November 13, 2012and first layers of putty in place and sanded.. 12November 14, 2012Most exterior parts are attached, but doesn't fit perfectly at all. 13November 14, 2012Some areas already got putty&sanding, some places still need it.. 14November 15, 2012Bended main rotor blades, before and after 15November 19, 2012area needing putty and sanding 16November 19, 2012area after sanding and re-scribing 17November 19, 2012first maskings in place 18November 22, 2012Loosy fit of the canopy 19November 22, 2012Not perfect yet but much better... 20November 22, 2012also modified the main rotor mount to have it a few mm more within the doghouse 21November 23, 2012phuuuh. Waaaay too high! 22November 23, 2012Mmmmh. 🙂 Looks way better now, doesn't it? 23November 23, 2012main gear on pilot side finished! 24November 24, 2012The result for now 25December 27, 2012Flattened the wheels a bit.. 26December 27, 2012The exhaust was a difficult area for a session with putty and sandpaper... Комментарии8 January 2025, 14:53 - Project infoSikorsky SH-60F Ocean Hawk OOB26 изображения1:72В работеВсе альбомыПосмотреть все альбомы »