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Roger Trewenack (RogerTee55)

Roger's "Horten Ho 229 Exposed"


62 26 December 2014, 12:19
Roger Trewenack Автор
about to get back into this one - strewth - 7 years away from it!!
 23 November 2023, 09:54
Stone the bloody Crows
 1 January 2024, 04:03
Thomas Espe
 2 January 2024, 09:06
Michael Kohl
Out of this world plane. Still.
I´ll follow.
 2 January 2024, 11:03
Sam S
Following this one 👌🏻
 2 January 2024, 11:22
Villiers de Vos
 7 January 2024, 05:59
What a project - watching!
Do you know Chloe Plattner from Vienna? She has build some of the Horten planes plated with real wood. Here some links:
imodeler.com/2018/03..delling-in-vienna-3/ (scroll down a bit to two pics)
 10 January 2024, 21:33
Roger Trewenack Автор
Wow! bughunter! Those Hortens are fantastic!! - I can see the similarities in internal construction in the 6-engined version.
I had thought of using some "real wood" in my kit - I think I need to add more timber detail that the kit doesn't include.
Stay tuned......
 10 January 2024, 23:07
Great work with a impressive amount of kit parts!
Regarding picture 76 and your question: I think a glue like Micro Kristal Klear (Microscale MI-9, No) is an option. It is like wood glue, stays flexible after it dried and it looks like glass on the instruments (in the holes of the upper layer).

 28 January 2024, 08:16
Roger Trewenack Автор
Thanks Bughunter for your thoughts - I think I solved it by scraping away the enamel on the back piece, so then gluing metal to metal.
There's still an impressive amount of kit parts to go.... all the wings internals, fuel tanks, controls & piping - then the skin everywhere!!!
I'm loving it though - the engineering of this kit is top class!
 28 January 2024, 12:43
Jennifer Franklin
Looking good; love the fit with the pilot.
 28 January 2024, 13:29
Remarkable work so far. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
 3 March 2024, 09:35
Lochsa River
Just amazing....it was like a visit into your world and a spectacular build...all in one....
 12 March 2024, 09:51
This is one heck of an elaborate build! Following!
 5 May 2024, 17:08
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic progress on this complex project.
 5 May 2024, 18:23
Ian Olman
Amazing .
 6 May 2024, 02:13
This is crazy. What a wonderful build!
 7 May 2024, 07:28
A great build 👍 Good luck for the last mile!
 7 May 2024, 10:23
Mike Montgomery
Fantastic work! Much more then I plan to put into mine. I guess I'm just a sucker for the German camo on the plane, looking like it's ready to go into battle. Not a fan of the frosted glass panels on the aircraft kit.
 7 May 2024, 13:06
Roger Trewenack (Scales-Sales)
Thanks for your enthusiastic comments, folks. - just over 4 weeks to EXPO entry! - no more photos here until after the final reveal..... Yep, there's more to come...
 7 May 2024, 22:18

Album info

Restarted late in 2023 after a 4 year delay - my brain!
Why am I making this MORE difficult???

Yahoo - She's finished!!

193 изображения
1:32 Horten Ho 229 (Zoukei-Mura SWS08)1:32 Horten Ho 229 Pilot Figure (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-F01)1:32 Horten Ho 229 Ground Crew Set (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-F02)1:32 Horten Ho 229 Metal Struts (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-M01)1:32 Horten Ho 229 Turned Metal Machine Gun and Pitot Tube Set (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-M03)1:32 Horten Ho 229 Weighted Tires (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-M02)No Horten Ho 229 Vallejo Color Set (Zoukei-Mura SWS08-C01)7+

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