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Ronald Gutierrez (Ronaldg333)

My M113 Armour Personnel Carriers Series


2 January 2016, 20:59
M.Julian Marles
Pretty cool. How bout an Aussie FSV? 🙂
 2 January 2016, 23:07
Ronald Gutierrez
I just posted it. It is a little dusty.
 3 January 2016, 10:03
Scott Dutton
A favorite of mine, looks like most of the OOB versions you can buy, except the Aussie Scorpion turreted one (MRV is its name), a Zelda and Fitters vehicle. Just leaves all the conversions, there in lies madness...........
 4 January 2016, 04:15
M.Julian Marles
Not to mention all the weird exports and conversions.
 4 January 2016, 07:02
Scott Dutton
Yep, there is a modelling goal for you. I always wanted the ADATS, know in resin conversion, bit scared of it to be truthful
 4 January 2016, 19:25
M.Julian Marles
 4 January 2016, 22:30
Ronald Gutierrez
Wow !
 5 January 2016, 05:36

Album info

I enjoy building these kits. Easy and lots of conversation kits. This Albun is still under construction more photos to follow.

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