10 8 January 2019, 01:10

I like schemes with broken lines, so it will be RAE scheme!
8 January 2019, 13:22

I would need a pair of binoculars to work in this scale. Leaning over your right shoulder so watch your right elbow please!
13 January 2019, 01:59

Don`t hurry, Peter, sit down, please, make yourself comfortable,I will begin painting closer to the end of the month, as I finish with the exams.
And I also wanted to finish painting one red robot before February for group build, so this will also delay me a little. 🤔
13 January 2019, 13:43

I think my mistake was to use semi transparent color for highlights, which lead to thick layer of paint, and which was the reason for leaks.
6 February 2019, 12:03