Build progress
February 25, 2019Motivation - Pappy Boyington - AVG2
February 25, 2019Research3
February 25, 20194
February 25, 2019Minor Cockpit detail .. canopy will be closed5
February 25, 20196
February 25, 20197
February 25, 20198
February 25, 20199
February 25, 2019Blurry Resin add.. loved it10
February 25, 201911
February 25, 2019loved how the resin came out12
February 25, 201913
February 25, 2019Adding wheel wells, not correct for the AVG years.. oh well too late now14
February 25, 2019Finished wheel wells15
February 25, 201916
February 25, 2019First attempt at PE17
February 25, 2019Flap wells installed18
February 25, 201919
February 25, 2019Almost ready for final paint20
February 25, 201921
February 25, 20191st .. Salt chipping attempt - didn't do!22
March 1, 2019first attempt a panel accent, first layer of pale blue23
March 1, 20192nd coat of pale blue, lighted with white paint24
March 1, 2019Tan Earth coat for camouflage25
March 15, 2019Camo masking worked!26
March 1, 2019belly drying27
March 15, 2019Starting final details28
March 15, 2019Belly ready for details29
March 17, 2019Almost done.. canopy to go!30
March 17, 2019Done!31
March 17, 201932
March 17, 2019First attempt at weathering33
March 17, 2019First attempt at weathering34
March 17, 201935
March 17, 2019Brassin Resin Exhaust.. loved!36
March 17, 2019Eduard PE Landing Flaps.. first attempt!37
March 17, 2019Happy with final result.. after 27yr hiatus
26 February 2025, 03:47 -