UralWagonZavod T14 Armata - 1/35 - Zvezda
16 February 2025, 14:57 -
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Excellent fitting of the parts, very good détailling.
I first paint the nearly finished tank with wheels & tracks unsassembled. I used washers assemblies for wheels masking, rubber parts were painted Tamiya XF-85, tracks where painted Humbrol "gun metal" with rubber pads Tamiya XF-85, vertical parts for tracks teeths outlined molotow chrome.
Then I finished the assembly except for the rear latéral grids, I protected the tracks & wheels assembly and painted camo shéme.
Humbrol color codes for the camo shéme does not fit the boxart, sand is too dark red-brown not enought red (I used Tamiya XF64 instead).
Next : Camo fixing varnish, weathering decals & final varnish protective layer.