Harry Potter - MetalEarth Hogwarts Express TrainПосмотреть: Слайд-шоу Мозаика Список 1July 11, 2021Wheels made & chassis prepared for Tender 2July 11, 2021Wheels & chassis assembled 3July 11, 2021Axle caps added to complete Tender running gear. 4July 11, 2021Top of Tender completed 5July 12, 2021Tender assembled 6July 12, 2021Final tender components added - done!! 7July 12, 2021done 8July 12, 2021done........onto the Loco 9July 14, 2021Front Bogey completed - the 4 part of the 4-6-0 10July 14, 2021Attaching the bogey to 1/2 the main wheel-set 11July 14, 2021then build and attach the other half 12July 14, 2021Add the chassis top plate 13July 14, 2021and the boiler mount 14July 14, 2021A couple of curves to build the front of the chassis, complete with light (x3), buffers (2) & connection 15July 14, 2021Add the "furniture" on the RHS - the steam pistons are NOT attached to the wheels 16July 14, 2021Same deal on the LHS 17July 14, 2021Found the perfect sized dowel to roll the boiler with - measured this from the rear boiler plate, then added the funnels.....next step 18July 14, 2021Attached the rear boiler plate, then the steam lines along either side. 19July 14, 2021Added the cabin, then mated the boiler with the chassis. Then added the front boiler plate & furnishings... 20July 14, 2021Make up the Pint & join loco with tender 21July 14, 2021not a bad replica.... 22July 14, 2021another view 23July 14, 2021another view 24July 14, 2021Main 3/4 view Комментарии13 March 2025, 21:25 - Album info3 Sheets of fun!! (Pgs 2-8) ALL Completed. an engin-oyable build!!MetalEarth Hogwarts Express Train24 изображенияNoЗавершённыеВсе альбомыПосмотреть все альбомы »