Build Photos: Shinkai 6500 Seabed Diorama Set
July 30, 2021...and it begins...2
July 30, 2021Silver over black. First, paint the silver (4 coats thinned Vallejo Silver). Second, apply 3 coats of Pledge. Third, paint black into the recesses using a 5/0 brush wicking away accidentally-overpainted silver with a saliva-moistened micro brush or sharpened toothpick. I like these micro brushes:
August 1, 2021Various internal work done (hard to see from this angle), thruster attached, and now sealing up the top and bottom. They didn't quite fit together flush. The top bowed away from the bottom by perhaps 1mm max. Nothing some cement, rubber bands, and time can't solve.4
August 2, 2021Gluing complete. View from the back thruster.5
August 2, 2021Top sonar (in orange) installed with front cameras, windows, and baskets.6
August 2, 2021Pieces prepped for silver painting7
August 2, 2021Lots of little bits on top (and bottom) need to be painted with tiny spots of black8
August 2, 2021Detailing grabber arms with black9
August 2, 2021Three decals fit on top but can't lie flat because of tiny bumps (rivets) on the surface. I Mark Fit the bottom and top of the thick decals but it might take several coats. If I've learned one thing from Mark Fit it is to wait at least 6 hours before passing any judgment.10
August 3, 2021Top ornamentation11
August 3, 2021These side panels have been painted white (Vallejo Model Color 70.951). Can you tell? I can't! The instructions would have me paint all the white plastic parts this color white. No thanks.12
August 3, 2021Final decals and painted details complete. Decals need to set and then it's time for some weathering.13
August 3, 2021Model varnished in three coats of thinned Vallejo Matt Varnish (70.520) and set into the weathering bowl. It will get several thin washes of brown acrylic to represent the dirtiness that would occur after diving to the bottom of the ocean multiple times. Note that after this picture I flipped out the ramiken with a tuna fish can. Seemed more appropriate.14
August 4, 2021Multiple thin layers of acrylic wash (mostly brown (dirt) and some green (algae)) to give it an appropriately exploratory look.15
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August 4, 202119
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August 4, 2021...what lurks beneath...
13 March 2025, 22:02 -