Nissan Fairlady 240ZG Tamiya 1:24
May 2, 2022Let's start with the engine2
May 2, 2022Engine block was painted with Tamiya X-14 and not X-4 as Tamiya says in the instructions ... X-4 is too dark3
May 2, 2022The engine next to a Porsche 917 5 lt 12 cil. engine ..... it's really a compact engine this one from Porsche4
May 2, 20225
May 2, 2022"Spark plugs" added. Oil filter painted with a lighter shade of X-146
May 2, 2022Ignition wires added part 17
May 2, 2022Ignition wires added part 28
May 2, 2022Oil filter was painted in a lighter shade of Tamiya X-14. Radiator fan was painted in Ivory9
May 2, 2022Most of the parts in place, air filter, carbs , plug wiring and so on ...10
May 2, 202211
May 2, 2022Painting the recesses with brush before painting with a rattle can12
May 2, 2022TS-11 Maroon Spray painted , first coat13
May 2, 2022Second coat. Front and rear struts glued in place ... the kit is so good that these parts almost don't need to be glued. Radiator also glued at this stage ,,, deviating from tne isntructions.14
May 2, 2022Transmission in place ... Wonderful engineering by Tamiya ,,, with no glue it stays in place. I glued it anyway .....15
May 2, 2022Detail of the engine bonnet without the accessories16
May 2, 2022Front brakes also in place and brake lines added.17
May 2, 2022Brake and clutch pumps with lines added18
May 2, 2022Also the battery has it's cables added ,,, but more anon19
May 2, 2022Engine in place ... so far complete ... but wrong battery20
May 2, 2022As can be seen, the battery is placed too low ... That's beacuse I thought it was the top of the battery, but in fact it's the support for it. Allways read the instructions ,,, some pages in advance ... that's my advice 😉21
May 2, 2022But I noticed it when the scratch-buid terminals , claps and the wiring were glued in place .... and it took me quite an effort22
May 2, 2022This is the "new" battery . I've put the battery below the support I detailed thinking it was the top of the battery23
May 2, 2022Managed not to break the wires24
May 2, 2022New battery in place. Also brake and clutch pumps in place.25
May 2, 2022Scratch-building the coil26
May 2, 2022Coil in place , with all the wires also in place. Calling the bonnet done for now.27
August 2, 2022"cockpit"
First attempt to paint the seat "vents" ,,, Not a very lucky one
August 2, 2022"cockpit"29
August 2, 2022Dashboard30
August 2, 2022Tryed several ways to paint the "vents" in the seats ,,,, No way ,,,, In the end I punched silver decal discs from my old amd trusty Waldron set ,,,,31
August 2, 2022Seats in place .... I think the result is quite fair32
August 2, 2022Dash completed with steering wheel and vents. In the backgroud my other project ... engine for a Porsche 917 K from Heller ... which is taking more effort than I thought in the begining ,,,,,33
August 2, 2022Seat belts made from tin foil from a bottle of wine , and plastic card attachements... which I already drunk ...,, the wine of course , not the anchor plates.
August 2, 2022And ... then ,,, searching for something in the stash ... I found this kit.35
August 2, 2022Full of seat belt attachements and latches ..... hummmm ... I'm making my mind up wether to use it or go on with the self made items ,,,,,,, I guess not much will be seen when the body work is in place ....May be is better to save the parts for another project ......36
August 2, 2022Moreover .... this very kit also has a 240Z engine ,,,,, and is not a bad one by the way , What a surprise .....37
September 3, 2022Pedals, dashboard , gear lever ans some other things in place.38
September 3, 2022Also adde seat belts39
September 3, 2022Ans the wheels40
September 3, 2022The way Tamiya has manages to gte the look of the wheels is IMPRESSIVE. It's been a bit difficult to get the metal decal rims in place ... but the result is amazing.41
September 3, 202242
September 3, 2022Exhaust and muffelrs also glued in place.43
September 3, 2022First coat or paint . TS-11 spray . All this "flint" is really nor in the paint ... just fell from the air when I took the picture.44
September 3, 202245
September 3, 202246
September 3, 202247
September 3, 202248
September 3, 202249
September 3, 202250
September 3, 202251
September 3, 202252
September 3, 2022not so happy with the doors .... that hated orange peel ... ii's not very evident but is there
17 February 2025, 18:24 -
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Std detailing ...