Jordan Peugeot 197
54 26 August 2022, 12:38

How are those decals to work with? I have this kit but after building Revells 412T2 and just how thick those decals seemed, i've never made another attempt at a Revell kit.
3 September 2022, 00:11

Hi Bossy, you are right, decals are not than thin, it is especially noticeable for the ones on the side (snake skin). I had to use a lot of microsol. I had also to be very careful because they tend to roll up on themselves
3 September 2022, 08:11

Wow Stéphane! This has to be the nicest build of a Revell F1 kit I've seen. I've attempted one and the decals were murderous on top of some shoddy engineering. Awesome work!
4 September 2022, 05:24

it is one of the formula 1 cars i always loved. thank you for sharing!
5 September 2022, 13:09

Merci Phil, le kit n'est pas très détaillé, il se monte facilement avec des bons ajustements. J'ai juste coupé les decals sur les côtés pour garder la partie "peau de serpent" séparée de la partie inférieure pour plus de confort et un meilleur ajustement. Les decals sont d'ailleurs assez épais et donc difficile à ajuster mais microsol est mon meilleur ami pour ce kit.pour le reste je trouve que la voiture elle même a un look d'enfer.
12 September 2022, 13:15

Whoa. I can only imagine wrangling those long decals - this looks awesome! 😎
12 September 2022, 14:39

Oui Je n,ai jamais aimé les decals de chez Revell...bien qu'en general ils sont trop minces et fragiles...en tout cas super resultat, ca donne le gout d,essayer une F1 de chez Revell un jour
12 September 2022, 18:59

Je pense aussi que j'en monterais une autre plus tard, ptet la McLaren MP4 12 que j'ai en stock
12 September 2022, 20:34

Je ne suis pas fan des F1, mais le travail est superbe. La déco notamment est magnifique.
28 February 2023, 08:30

Wow that looks great ! Love that car. but the comments above made me a tad nervous to try it
13 March 2023, 23:47

You will be fine Ben, I have no doubts. I've built a couple Revell F1 kits and have a couple more to do. Certainly not as user friendly as Tamiya but you can make them work.
14 March 2023, 00:58

Kyle is absolutely right, the kit is not so complex, the difficult part is the decals which are difficult to apply because they are not soft enough. microsol or equivalent was my best friend 😉
14 March 2023, 13:54

Je ne suis plus très sûr, il me semble que c'était le ts16 de tamiya
22 July 2023, 23:00