All sorts
76 7 September 2022, 09:00

...because they don't like challenges *lol*
kidding. ofcourse.
7 September 2022, 11:15

I wish Tamiya used their toolings more. As an exaple: they have debatably the best F-16 in 1/48, and easily the best one in 1/72, but they only come in one or two variants. I feel like if they released many more variants, like Hasegawa do, they would take over the market when it comes to some subjects.
31 May 2023, 14:51

I need to know who has recorded and used here an argument I had with my wife! 😄
1 31 May 2023, 15:36

And I really start there to build my first Tamiya kit. Instead of like a man the usual biplanes including rigging!
1 31 May 2023, 19:34

Alesandro, I agree, it would be great to see Tamiya doing that.
Robert, We've all been there 🤣
Bughunter, no-one is questioning your manly builds 👍🏻 they are superb!
31 May 2023, 20:04

Last night was seen a good German female cabaret artist, who described life:
The man is at work - good, the woman has time for herself.
The man dies early - good, the woman has time for herself.
But in between it is problematic, the man is retired. Best she sends him to the hobby cellar. What kind of hobby doesn't matter, the main thing is the cellar - the woman has time for herself.
2 18 June 2023, 16:35

Love the Toyota poster. I had a tour guide back in Argentine who argued that he bought a Hilux because Bin Laden had one. So it should be reliable, shouldn't it?
1 31 January 2024, 19:17

I would not use reliable and Bin Laden in one sentence normally, but Toyota's are reliable for sure 🙂
31 January 2024, 21:14

Felt like i just went through a modeling fever dream. Need more of these 😄
1 9 November 2024, 10:05

Just had another chuckle at this album. Pic No. 1 & 11 are my faves. 🙂
Thanks Jan. 🙂
1 6 March, 07:24