Establishing the overall layout of the vehicle and base. As the vehicle is stopping, two of the infantrymen are casually sitting on some stowage atop the troop compartment
For the base, I cut a piece of wood giving me a solid base to work upon. The terrain features are supported by some cheap styrofoam and everything will be framed by some thin styrene sheet for a clean modern look.
Further along now... I did not use al the PE, as much of it would require major surgery and will be covered by stowage items. Also, the kit details are rather nice in places
I have lightened up the overall paintbox by adding more yellow-green to the Tamiya NATO green for a roughly 50:50 mix and concentrated this around individual panels. In addition to this step, acrylic paints were mixed to an even lighter green shade for highlighting bolts, handles, rivets etc. using a fine paintbrush
Shown here are the basic colours on the base. Some stones will be painted individually with acrylics later on and there will of course be the vegetation element to be added.
Building Academy´s 1/72 M1126 Stryker ICV with quite a bit of extra "bling" in form of PE and resin detail sets including stowaage and wheels. Some figures from Mig Production´s 1/72 US Modern Crew set will give some life to the vehicle. As for the base, I will go with a somewhat beaten up small country road and some low vegetation.