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SA-321 Super Frelon

Clear Prop! | No. CP72003 | 1:72

Boxart SA-321 Super Frelon CP72003 Clear Prop!


Clear Prop!
SA-321 Super Frelon
Целовита макета
Future 2020* Нови алат
Aerospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon » Хеликоптери (Летелице)

Бокарт дизајнирао Eugeny Knupfer

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Clear Prop!
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A. Cinderblock
The year is moving towards it's end, it's fall and no fresh news on this wonderful model that (like so many others) I've been waiting for so long already have arrived yet.
Of course one has to wish the folks @Clear Prop! to be most of all safe and well in this terrible situation, still I hope, for the sake of our hobby, they will be able not only to finish this very model (and many more for the future!) but also hopefully sooner than later.
It is a nice subject and I am not going to purchase the old Mach2 Kit, knowing this better version is about to be made.
Just to participate in the discussion about versions:
I was thinking of an Iraqi Version, as seen in this illustration: [img1] used in the Iran-Iraq war.
Just to make this clear: My choice is not to be seen as politically motivated in any form. I do models from all Nations with significant Airforces and Saddam happened to have an interesting hodgepodge of Aircraft, most of all from the soviet Union and France, often in fascinating camouflage patterns, some more interesting, then the Soviet Airforce itself. I also have Israeli Aircraft on my Stach and many others.
9 October 2024, 06:40
Łukasz Gliński
Hmmm, and I got my Mach2 kit not so long ago, anyboy wanting it? 😉
Сви коментари (72) » 13 29 January 2020, 20:49
Peter Popovič
Yea...I was planning to do an Israeli and Libyan version.
 16 January 2024, 18:23
great ,
 17 January 2024, 19:09

9 January 2025, 22:14 -

9 January 2025, 22:14 -

Референтни материјал

SA 321 Super Frelon (Lela Presse 23)
SA 321 Super Frelon
Profils Avions No. 23
Jean-Luc Kerdiles
SA 321 Super Frelon (Lela Presse 6)
SA 321 Super Frelon
Profils Avions No. 6
Jean-Luc Kerdiles

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