Project S.7B
39 19 July 2023, 17:35

Taking my seat... BTW, mate Greg Baker has already presented his take on the S.7 theme... WHIF: Supermarine S.7 | Album by strobez (1:72) so I'm eager to see this one as well... Seems that, technologically, yours would be even more advanced! 🙂 👍
20 July 2023, 03:41

Thank for the link, a well exceuted project that inspires.
Thinking of renaming my project😉
20 July 2023, 12:36

Neither did I! 😉
The S.7B WHIF project approach is to build one proper S.6B as reference and the have a S.7B WHIF beside.
Thanks Ben M!👍🏻
16 August 2023, 16:04

Congratulations ... It's a very good work on a dog of a kit ,,,,
14 October 2023, 17:47