Leopard at the berlin wall
15 7 October 2024, 12:20

Hi Kesa,
a Leo 1 at the Berlin Wall is a nice idea and I am curious about the connection your family has to this idea.
I don't wanna spoil the project and I may stand corrected, but to the best if my knowledge there were never any German tanks in Berlin between the end of the second world war and the german reunification. The tanks were American, russian, british and french.
7 October 2024, 12:49

The project and my family are completely unconnected just wanted to mention it.
I am aware that there werent any german tanks in berlin but i just found this leo for a cheap price and decided why not, i also dont think there were JGSDF iraq assistance teams in berlin at the time but the fun thing about this hobby is that i can do whatever i want so again decided it would add a nice touch to the dio
7 October 2024, 13:21

Nice work Kesa, it is your best so far. The tools on the tank are particularly well painted.
11 October 2024, 07:14

Thanks gorby, though usually my detail painting takes the builds down a notch. Im glad it didnt seem to happen this time 🙂
11 October 2024, 11:09

Take it slow young one. Your skills will get better with each build. Build, build and build. One day you'll outclass Master Gorby
11 October 2024, 17:23

I am taking it slowly, sire. If i ever do surpass master Gorby then it will take years, decades, millenniums maybe.
11 October 2024, 17:35

"Master" me? There are many, many more on here with infinitely more skill.
If you stick with modelling Kesa you'll surpass me in a couple of years easily judging by your recent progress.
Well done on your diorama, it looks good. 👍
12 October 2024, 06:56

Well you are like a master in my eyes, just look at your builds. Your entire wall is a minefield of 10/10 builds man. Sure with everything theres someone better but i feel like with this hobby you are either better at painting (aka weathering, painting, paint detail) or glueing (how clean the build looks before painting, how strong the build is) , for example mr.james is better at painting than you and Steven van dyck is better at glueing than you but to this day i havent seen anyone do both better than you.
And thanks, i have been getting better at this, if my 6 year old self could see what ive made now hed probably be very mildly impressed
12 October 2024, 08:08

Nice of you to say Kesa, but when I look on Scalemates I'm constantly astounded by models I could hope to equal.
12 October 2024, 08:20

I think most modellers see someone that's better in their own eyes.
Be inspired by a better builder, and when you are just as good, be inspired by the next better builder.
12 October 2024, 10:59

but do not stress yourself with those comparisons, above all, do your models for the fun of doing it ,enjoy it !
13 October 2024, 19:03